
3rd October 2022 minutes

2022 Minutes Uploaded on October 31, 2022



Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 3rd October 2022 at 8.00 pm


In Attendance:

Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Myhill (Vice Chair), T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, K Thompson, M Tomkinson,                     A Billington & D Frost (Clerk & RFO)


Cllr I Chubb Cllr D Key


Members of the public present 1


  1. A Minutes Silence

A Minutes Silence was held in honour of Queen Elizabeth II


  1. Apologies for Absence

Councillor C Brown


  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.


Cllr Horner concerning 22/1139 Yarcombe Parish Community Land Trust

Cllrs Tomkinson, Vining & Thomson concerning 22/1603 Emmetts Farm


  1. Minutes

Councillor Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that the minutes of the meetings held on Monday July 4th and Monday 15th August could be signed as a correct record of the minutes of the meeting and everyone agreed.


  1. Welcome Councillor Billington

Councillor Billington was welcomed as a co-opted member of the parish council.  He had put himself forward and was especially interested in addressing the problem of speeding in the village.  He has completed his General Notice of Registerable Interest and signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office at the meeting.


  1. Reports


A County Councillor

County Councillor Chubb advised that DCC budgets were stretched and that highways costs had sky rocketed.

Some officers had been targeted to save money.  There was support for mental health, youngsters and the elderly.  The County are aiming to be carbon neutral by 2030.  Contractors are only paid for potholes reported which meet the criteria so are unable to fill in smaller ones.  Other parishes have a road warden scheme which will be investigated further.


B District Councillor

Councillor David Key said there had only been 1 planning meeting & 1 scrutiny meeting recently.  Other meeting keep being cancelled with no reasons.  The next planning meeting is on 28th October.  The road from Broadley to Black hayes is very bad and care should be taken when driving.  



C Police

No report received.



D Yarcombe Communtiy Land Trust

On 23rd October is the second anniversary for this application.  Little progress has been made due to advice from Natural England based on some old European legislation which the government are looking into repealing.

Councillor Chubb suggested it may be worth measuring the phosphates as has been done on the Corry Brook.


E Jubilee Hall Committee

Councillor Tomkinson advised the hall was marking out spaces at the front of the carpark for disabled.

They are still investigating resurfacing the lower car park.


F Reports from Individual Councillors


Councillor Ford Advised footpath 16 had extensive work completed.  There had been a complaint about footpath 19A that the gate was the wrong way around.


Councillor Thomson Advised that Blackdown Hills Parish Network AGM is on 10th November and she will be representing the council at this meeting.


Councillor Myhill Advised that the jubilee mugs were going quickly now she had sold 52 and there were only 20 left.  Clerk to advise original costings compared to sales.


Councillor Barnes Thanked Councillor Chubb & Key for all their help with the council.


Councillor Vining Advised footpath 30 was having work completed.


Councillor Billington Advised he was attending DALC AGM and conference on Wednesday 5th October.

At this meeting there is a workshop on understanding speeding which he will report about at the next meeting.


Councillor Long Had nothing to report


Councillor Tomkinson Advised he was working on a new necessary email system for the parish council so everything is held centrally with access should it be needed.  He will liaise with all councillors and set up new email addresses and passwords.  He will be assisted by Councillor Thomson.


  1. Clerk Expenses & payment of overtime

Clerk expenses to be paid at £13.00 per month for allowance for use of home as office.  Other expenses will be reimbursed against invoices provided.  Overtime to be submitted at the end of the month and paid the following month.  Overtime for August & September 16.25 hours to be paid at her usual hourly rate.   This was passed unanimously with the chairman authorising further overtime and expenses.


  1. Insurance Matters

Councillor Horner has spent considerable time reviewing our current cover.  This needs further investigation as we pay a broker but insured with Zurich with any legal cover provided by DAS.


  1. Letter of Condolence to the King & 10. Approve New letterhead

A letter of condolence to the king has been written.

This was on our new headed paper produced by Councillor Thomson.

These were both unanimously approved.



  1. Parish Council Priorities including clerk and correspondence

Deferred to November meeting.


  1. Finance


The payments below were ratified.

Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
01.07.22 Phil Holness


Footpath 19A replace stile at junction

with Moorhayne Lane

29.07.22 HMRC PAYE 54.80
29.07.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 219.24
09.08.22 Phil Holness Clear Vegetation from fence line on A30


31.08.22 HMRC PAYE 65.40
31.08.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 261.68
30.09.22 Unity Bank


Charges 4/6 – 3/9/22 18.00


30.09.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 229.90
30.09.22 HMRC PAYE 57.40


  1. Website

This has been updated but needs Councillor Billington adding along with registerable interests for all councillors.

The clerk will liaise with Councillor Tomkinson.


  1. Planning

Councillor Long advised planning had been received for Broadley Farm.  No details had been received regarding the slurry lagoon near Moorpits.  Councillor Key was surprised with the planning consent to remove an agricultural tie on Sunnyfield.


Councillor Long and the clerk will liaise over listing of planning on the agenda to make it clearer.


This meeting closed at 8.55


15.Part B Freedom of Information discussion


This was discussed in detail and it was agreed to contact Devon County Council.


The resolution To Request the Chairman to submit his expenses incurred in preparing responses to the Freedom of Information Requests and recharge these to the Requestor was proposed by Councillor Thomson and seconded by Councillor Long and was passed unanimously.


The meeting was closed at 9.45 pm, the next meeting to be held on Monday 7th November 2022