Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
Yarcombe Parish Council Clerks Report in October 2022 for the 7th November meeting
Clerk Correspondence received and on-going issues during October relating to relevant issues for Yarcombe Parish Council:
- Email received from Royal British Legion Industries about getting Parish Council ready for the upcoming national period of Remembrancethis November by installing a veteran-made Tommy Statue.
The Tommy acts as a poignant and permanent reminder of the fallen, allowing across the nation to come together and collectively support our Armed Forces community not only during the Remembrance period, but all year round.
To further decorate your Parish for the Remembrance period, Tommy Lamp Post Signs and Remembrance Flags are available, allowing you to show your support over the month of November.
- Police Rural Newsletter for October 2022 circulated to all councillors and included on the website.
- Condolence letter sent to The King included on the website.
- Yarcombe Comunity Benefit Society details included on the website.
- Copy of Alistair Billington General Notice of Registerable Interest sent to Democratic Services at East Devon.
- Website updated by Matthew to include photograph for Alistair and link to registerable interest for all other councillors.
- Email received from Kerry Kennell Cotleigh Parish Council Clerk that they are concerned about
the state of the roads and the quality of repairs in the parish and they are considering inviting
offices of DCC to a future meeting. They have asked Luppitt, Upottery, Monkton, Stockland,
Offwell, Dalwood and Yarcombe Parish Councils whether they wish to be part of the meeting? I have replied and said we would and David Barnes has agreed to attend once we have a date.
- Spent time with Tony Long advising about the layout for the planning and also the agenda and minutes to make them look more professional.
- Avian-influenza leaflet included on the website.
Diane Frost
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date: 2022