
Rag Lane 2022 – FOI Request

Rag Lane 2022 Uploaded on January 11, 2023

This is the request for information, received by email:


Sent: Friday, 29 July 2022 at 07:11:36 BST

Subject: Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Data Protection Act 2018 – Rag Lane -Yarcombe

Dear Diane,

  Under the provisons of the above acts and regulations please provide us with the following information held by Yarcombe Parish Council relating to Rag Lane. We require this information to be delivered to us by email or by mail within the statutory deadline of 20 working days ie by Friday 26th August 2022

  1. All Correspondence, Meeting Minutes, Officer Reports, Notes of Councillor Discussions , emails both among members and between members and the Clerk and other records referring to Rag Lane , Yarcombe since 1974.
  2. Specifically all Correspondence with Devon County Council Highways Department in connection with Rag Lane during that period
  3. Specifically all minutes of meetings background notes and reports relating to decisions by Yarcombe Parish Council in respect of Rag Lane  in  the past 2 years including;-
  • Background and all Council records including voting records relating to the decision to refer an anonymous complaint to the County Highways department in April 2021.
  • Background and all Council records including voting records relating to the Council’s change of stance from neutral in April 2021, to it actively seeking the implementation of enforcement action by the County Council against Yarcombe residents in June 2022. This to include its reasoning and the background to the Council’s decision to ignore advice received from the Area Traffic Officer.
  • Background and all council records including voting records relating to the Council’s decision to reject a suggestion from County Highways that Rag Lane be reclassified as a public Bridal way. This to include records of all community consultations conducted in order to establish the community views on this proposal and steps taken by the Council to inform itself on the background to issues raised.
  • We understand that Council discussions about matters relating to Rag Lane Yarcombe may have been conducted with the press and public excluded. If this is the case please provide Part B minutes and all background information for the justification for such secrecy in terms of the provisions of the Public Bodies, Access to Meetings Act 1960.
  1. Specifically, any correspondence, records or other information referring to us by name.

We do realise that an FOI request may potentially be onerous to you as Parish Clerk to a small council, but you will, I am sure, appreciate the seriousness of the issue and the Council’s statutory responsibility to comply with the terms of the relevant acts within the deadline. Please however feel free to contact us if you wish, to discuss the most effective way of meeting our requirements while minimising the impact on yourself and on the effective working of the Council.

Please kindly acknowledge receipt of this request.

Kind Regards,

Nick and Wendy

Nick and Wendy Randle
Four Elms Cottage
EX14 9AU
Tel 01404861648