
Minutes for May 2019 Annual General Meeting

2019 Minutes Uploaded on March 6, 2021

Minutes of the Yarcombe Parish Council
Annual General Meeting
Held at 7.30pm Monday 20th May 2019
in the Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe

Councillors C Stone, L Pidgeon, D Barnes, T Long, S Horner, D Little, C Ford, C Vining, S Vining S-J Martin (Clerk)

1. Apologies
No apologies received and no absences.

2. Minutes
The Chair asked if everyone was happy with the Minutes as being a true and accurate record of the 2018 Annual General Meeting. Everyone agreed, and the Minutes were signed as being a true and correct record.

3. Election of Officers for 2019:
a) Chairman:
The out-going Vice Chair, Cllr Lesley Pidgeon asked if there were any candidates who wished to stand as Chairman for this next year. Cllr Tony Long nominated Clive Stone which was seconded by Cllr Steve Horner. There were no further nominations, and everyone was in agreement. The Chair was invited to take his seat.
b) Vice-Chairman:
Cllr Stone (Chairman) asked who would like to stand as Vice-Chair. Cllr Pidgeon nominated Cllr Horner which was seconded by Cllr Long. Cllr Horner accepted.
There were no other nominations.

4. Declaration of Acceptance of Office
These were signed by the new Chair, Cllr Stone and all the Councillors.

5. Councillors Specific Responsibilities
The Chair asked if everyone was happy to continue in their existing roles and it was resolved that the following members will represent the Council as defined below:
a) Marsh – David Barnes
b) Planning – Tony Long
c) Highway Matters – David Barnes
d) Road Safety & Policing – David Little
e) Blackdown Hills & Conservation – Steve Horner
f) Jubilee Hall Committee – Charlotte Vining
g) Longcroft Meadow Charity Trustees – David Barnes, Lesley Pidgeon, Steve Horner
h) Parish Paths – Caroline Ford and Shaun Vining

6. AOB
The following payments were noted as due and Stone asked if we were all happy to pay the following:

Date Payee Details of Payment Chq Nr / Online £
21.05.19 Yarcombe Village Hall Use of Village Hall 21.05.18 to 20.05.19 Online 140.00
21.05.19 Sarah-Jane Martin April salary Online 233.52
21.05.19 HMRC PAYE Online 58.20
21.05.19 Andy Podbury Works at Rosshayne Mead Online 780.00
21.05.19 Community First Insurance Insurance Policy, Expires 31.05.19 Online 180.58

The above payments were agreed.

Caroline Ford agreed to be a Unity Trust user for authorising payments.