Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 1st April 2019 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs N Randle (Chair), L Pidgeon, C Stone, T Long, S Horner, S Parris, M Tomkinson, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 2
Cllr Randle welcomed everyone to the last meeting of this Council and gave apologies as per the below:
1. Apologies for Absence:
• Cllrs Tony Wiggins and David Barnes
2. Declarations of Interest
• A declaration of Interest was completed by David Barnes concerning a local Planning Application.
3. Minutes.
• The Councillors were asked if they were happy that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th March, received by email were a true and accurate record. Following no objections or comments the Minutes were duly signed.
4. Parish Council Priorities
• It was decided to ask the Councillors if there were any issues we should raise concerning past priorities.
• Cllr Tomkinson raised the possibility of when we looked at a children’s play area and that we could consider again covering the village hall car park with a multi-use surface which would be suitable for cars and playing football. It was decided to Minute this with a view to it being raised again with the new Councillors.
5. Open Session for Public Participation
• Jane Jones has been trying to get East Devon Council to re-instate a damaged fence in front of their property. Two years ago, her Husband fell on it and although EDDC came out quickly, they just put up some netting but haven’t done a repair. The fence is rotten, and the other side of the fence is a 6ft drop. Jane is concerned that should children be playing near it and fall; the fence may not be strong enough and has asked if the Parish Council can do anything to help as EDDC have advised it is not a priority.
Jane to let the Clerk have some contact details in order that we can contact EDDC with a view to seeing if we can assist.
6. Finance
• The Councillors received the Clerks report on the current Financial Position.
• The payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved for payment.
7. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor, Iain Chubb
• Iain has been quite busy working on the County budget setting – hey took a long time to go through and are going up marginally due to Social Services, Childcare but the books at Devon County are balancing.
He has met with the 2 colleagues in Highways and emphasised to do report such things as potholes as they have crews which come around to assess. Cllr Chubb asked if anyone had any questions.
Cllr Tomkinson asked what about the edges of the road which a pothole isn’t, but just as bad to a vehicle and they can be larger. Iain advised he didn’t know but will find out an answer.
Cllr Long advised that when highways came through the village, they came through in the dark and tarmacked over a water grate. Cllr Chubb asked that we email him the location for him to investigate.
Additionally, Cllr Long reported there are still some road slippery signs through the village following an accident and we were also asked to forward details concerning this location.
• Cllr Horner advised he wrote a personal letter to Cllr Chubb and didn’t receive a response. The letter stated the Broadband has gone from bad to worse and that Devon and Somerset have been unable to secure contracts for the implementation of a service where it is still needed. Cllr Chubb advised he hadn’t received a personal letter and Cllr Horner advised he would write again.
• Cllr Randle mentioned we were just having a conversation about a project from a few years ago, being some fencing along the A30 (See 7.e) which in places has become rotten and we were considering whether to repair / strengthen it. It is 220 meters long and Cllr Chubb said he would raise it with Highways and Clerk will forward the email trail.
b. District Councillor – Paul Diviani
Ian Chubb gave a report on behalf of Paul Diviani:
• The team are settling into Blackdown House and are finding it easier to liaise with each other than previously. There have been some teething problems such as parking etc but there are additional areas for parking which can now be used. He reported it is all good news.
• It has been brought to his attention that waste and recycling has been pouring out of some recycling lorries and with the 360 degree cameras they have, he emphasises that if anyone sees it, report it as the CCTV can be looked back on and action taken if the time and date is recorded.
• For picking up litter, Streetscene will supply grabber poles and bags and collect the rubbish.
• Ian introduced Colin Brown who is standing for the Dunkeswell, Combe Raleigh Ward. Paul Diviani is moving to the Yarty Ward which we will no longer be under.
c. Police
• A crime report was received for the latest month and an annual report. As the reports were received in a new format, Clerk was asked to verify that the information was definitely for Yarcombe.
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
• Philip Bearne, Chair of the Community Land Trust was welcomed, and he cascaded that in addition to the Press Release which was circulated, funding is in place to do an initial planning and viability study. As certain things were found in the ecological survey, the site cannot be cleared until October, by which time, these things will have been investigated. Philip thanked the Parish Council for the loan of £1,036 and presented the Parish Council with a cheque in repayment. This enabled the Trust to save a year in the process as the ecological survey had to be undertaken last Autumn.
A topographical survey has been undertaken which surveyed the size, shape, levels and trees. Philip stated a positive step forward has been taken but they now need wait for the results of the ecological study.
• Cllr Randle advised that since he has been a Councillor, this is the biggest project the Council has under taken and that perseverance pays off and added we are all very grateful to you.
• Cllr Stone added all the contracts have been signed for the surveys.
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
Clive Stone:
• Cllr Stone advised one of the planters has been installed and another few are on order. Concerning the plants, he suggested Parishioners could “adopt a planter” and be responsible for the flowers in them.
Cllr Randle suggested the Flower Show could run a best planter competition which everyone thought was a great idea.
• The work at Blackhayes Lane which was partially funded by the Parishes Together monies has now been completed by Andy Podbury.
• A quote has been received to replace the fencing from the layby to the top of Moorhayne Lane. To take down and replace would cost £10,000. There is the additional consideration of the traffic control so to re-instate as it is, is £8,700. Ideally, we would like to pass this on to Highways or, just strengthen the 6 weak posts. It was suggested we strengthen it, being a Community-Minded Parish Council and advise EDDC this is what we have done and enclose the bill. At this point, Iain Chub arrived, and we picked up on this point in 7a.
• Following the discussion with Iain Chub concerning the fencing it was agreed to write to Iain, forwarding the original email from Highways concerning the fencing options (we pay for it of put it on the long list of items for the Council to do with no date in sight). Also, for us to emphasise that we are concerned and wish for them to take it on.
• The tree in the lay-by has almost died. Jon Stockwell has offered another tree but also, every Young Farmer has been given a tree and there may be an opportunity to use one of these. The size of these trees was questioned, and Clive was asked to find out more. In the meantime, we look to possibly gratefully thank Jon.
Maggie Tomkinson
• There is still some work to be done on the Parish Paths which was initiated. Maggie advised she will be very happy to do a handover to the new person.
8. Clerk and Correspondence – Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• The deadline for receipt of Nominations for the John Salter Award is now 26th April. It was decided that Councillors may not nominate as they shall be casting the final vote.
• Felling of Douglas Firs on the Estate. This was discussed and there were no comments to feed back to the Arboricultural Officer.
• We received a lovely Thank you note from Saffron Doble for the gift we gave her as a Thank you for picking up litter through the village. Within it, Saffron mentioned that on many of the occasions Saffron and her Mother pick up dog poo bags which everyone thought dreadful. She is now considering a sponsored litter pick in order to raise money for a dog bn and the servicing of it.
It was decided to investigate some signs and put a notice in the Voices. We shall also consider a bag bin, but the disposal and servicing have to be considered. We shall acknowledge Saffron’s comments and advise we are considering obtaining a dog bin but initially we shall post something in the Voices.
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority.
• Current Planning applications and site visits undertaken were advised to the Councillors.
• Concerning Duffield’s Mill at Crawley Farm, the Enforcement Officer has been out and Cllr Long has asked that we ask Membury for any future planning applications so that we are aware as soon as possible when they are raised.
With no more comments or questions from the Councillors, Cllr Randle called the meeting to a close.
To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 20th May at 7.30pm for the Annual General Meeting followed by 8pm for the Annual Parish Meeting in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe