Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 5th February January 2018 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs N Randle (Chair), L Pidgeon, D Barnes, C Stone, A Long, S Horner, Maggie Tomkinson, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 20
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially for venturing out in the cold weather.
1. Apologies for Absence:
Cllrs Tony Wiggins and S Parris
2. Declarations of Interest
No declarations of Interest were received.
3. Minutes.
The Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday January 8th were asked if correct. Cllr Pidgeon raised the point that the person who was hit on the A30 was stewarding, not coming out of the footpath. It was resolved that Clerk would change the wording on file and then they were approved and signed as a true and accurate record.
4. Open Session for Public Participation.
The Chair commenced by acknowledging the recent loss of John Salter and for us to pry tribute in the Minutes that he is a great loss and how much loved he was.
• Jon Stockwell asked if we could try again to get the Stockland directional sign re-erected.
Resolved – Clerk to email Helen Selby
• The Chair asked if there were any questions for Cllr Chub as he needed to get off to another meeting. Cllr Chub advised:
o Broadband was now successfully rolling out throughout the Blackdown Hills.
o The is a continued problem with sufficient funding for our roads
o He suggested we could possibly take some monies out of the locality budget to help pay for putting up the Stockland directional sign.
• Cllr Horner questioned the closure of roads instead of filling in potholes which was detrimental to delivery drivers to local farms. Cllr Chub advised him to direct his question to the holder of the authority and that lorry drivers ought to contact Highways themselves.
• Cllr Stone advised he had read most journeys start and end on rural roads and that they shouldn’t be neglected. Cllr Chub responded that all roads are prioritised, and he can’t even get a pothole fixed outside his house.
• Ann Stockwell mentioned the litter along the A30 and advised her to contact EDDC Customer Services at EDDC and if you see lorry’s letting litter out, such as the waste collection lorries, to report them as they have cameras on board which can be looked at and fines made.
5. Parish Council Priorities
The Chair introduced this section that “we are you’re your elected representatives and aware that key pieces of our Community are our Community groups and feel we should have the opportunity to see what you think about our community and if you think we may be able to offer any help”
The Chair went around the room and asked everyone which group they were representing and there were representatives from The Baptist Chapel, Short Matt Bowls, Maggie’s Mix, Community Lunch, the Church, Hand Bells, the Tuesday Club, Yarcombe Skittles, Bell ringers, Village Hall Committee, the Photography Group and the Community Land Trust.
The Chair then introduced all the Councillors and advised their roles and advised that the Parish Council has some funding to provide small grants to Community Groups for equipment and to help make groups more efficient and asked if life in the Community could be improved or that if there was anything they were doing where we could offer some moral or financial support.
o Jon Stockwell representing the Skittles Group, advised that the plans for the pub didn’t sit well for the skittles group and advised there are 45 people locally who play. Cllr Diviani responded that whilst running The Kings Arms at Stockland, the hosting of skittles was very much done for the community and not for making money. Brian Smith advised it was very loud upstairs when dining and skittles were being played upstairs. Cllr Randle advised that the plans for the skittle alley were to install 3 en-suite B&B rooms in to contribute in paying off the loan.
o Mathew Tomkinson notes the problem with the Village Hall being the acoustics making it very difficult to hear and the dreadful lighting. Brian Smith representing the Village Hall stated they had recently gathered 35 suggestions for the hall which they were working through and were aware of the acoustics and lighting but that it would be a very expensive project. Cllr Tomkinson suggested some possible grant funding and Cllr Diviani suggested some Parishes Together Funding. The consensus in the room was agreement to the concerns and that the Hall was underutilised. A suggestion was made about placing more advertising on Yarcombe.net and Cllr Randle advised the Parish Council would be pleased to help.
o Philip Bearne representing the Community Land Trust advised the plan to have 7 or 7 affordable homes to rent in the village / marsh was still battling on, but they need to prove to EDDC that there is sufficient support in the Community by way of just £1, this would show support. He added the Community Land Trust is a Benevolent Society and that the land and buildings would be held in perpetuity (like alms-houses). Cllr Randle asked if they had advertised in the Voices to which Mr Bearne advised they were just holding off until the land was secured. Cllr Randle responded that if there was anything the Parish Council could do to re-enforce the CLT, for them to let us know.
o Cllr Randle advised there is an area that could be improved, being the little square near the old phone box site in the layby area. Margaret Little advised there needs to be a designated parking area. Jon Stockwell advised another area is the triangle opposite the pub although Cllr Randle pointed out the land was owned by the Estate and not the Parish, but they may be interested in us tidying it up.
o Philip Bearne mentioned he noticed village events much more on an A Sign on the verge opposite the pub rather than the notice-board, but it was noted that the notice board had only recently been restored.
Resolved, Clerk to note the triangular piece of land for discussion next month.
o Jon Stockwell mentioned we should have congratulated Cllr Chubb on the highways re the recent cleaning out of the gullies. Cllr Barnes responded that some of the lanes have not been done and that we haven’t had the substantial quantity of rain that we have had in the past. Tony Newman mentioned what was the point of digging out the gullies when the large farm tractors and machinery push it back in again. The room responded that the roads aren’t wide enough for such machinery, but the farmers need to have access to the fields and that it isn’t just farm machinery but lorries/HGV’s too as Cllr Horner pointed out.
o Mary Smith mentioned the junction just above Winnowing Knapp on the Taunton lane requiring some more tarmac. Clerk to contact highways.
o Cllr Randle told Miranda she is thought of as the Hub of the Village and asked if she was aware of any issues, which were, that the Taunton turn is dangerous and the pot holes. Cllr Randle responded that the pot holes are a nationwide problem as funds are stretched. Also, Miranda mentioned that there is the hope YPC will be able to purchase the pub. Cllr Randle responded that YPC had made an offer and enquiries had been made as to whether someone else had made an offer and that the funding offer was in place for 12 months.
o Liz wanted to thank Miranda for the not just the magazine but also the e-voices as it is instant news and helps to keep the community in touch. Miranda thanked Liz and added that with the e-voices it helps draw people together and we do need to carry on John Salters incredible legacy. Cllr Randle asked how we can enforce this community cohesion to which John was a huge supporter and participator of. Suggestions – Inspire the younger generation to get involved, hold another welcome tea.
Cllr Tomkinson asked how we can connect with the people in the village who do not take the voices. Clerk suggested a Facebook advert on The Belfry FB page with the Mirandas e-voices contact email address to see if anyone takes up the e-voices.
o Cllr Steve Horner, on behalf of the Yarcombe Inn Project mentioned that meetings had been weekly and that Dennis Able had been working on the projections 8 or 9 times which confirms the project will only work with the whole of the building. Additionally, that YOPC can apply for an enormous amount of funding to help preserve the building which anyone else buying it may not be able to
o There are also feelings that there isn’t sufficient to do in the village for the younger generation but there needs to be new people coming through to help with new activities, having asked the children what they want.
o Phillip Bearne asked if anyone had any thoughts on doing something in memory of John – Mary suggested possibly a cup in association with the flower show
o Cllr Randle thanked everyone very much for attending and their contributions.
6. Finance
a. The Clerks report, previously distributed and available to view detailed the current Financial Position
b. Payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved:
Date Payee Details of Payment Chq Nr £
20.01.18 C Stone Re Parishes Together Funding Project – Exps to JLW Svcs re gabion installation 569 95.00
20.01.18 Messrs Dyer Re Parishes Together Funding Project – Hire of Mini Digger and work in Moorhayne Lane 570 300.00
29.01.18 Sarah-Jane Martin Salary 571 202.52
29.01.18 HMRC PAYE 572 50.80
C. At the previous meeting, it was decided to allocate £1,000.00 from the current Parish Council balances to ditches/dykes and general maintenance. The priority of where to spend these monies was to be discussed in this meeting and Cllr Randle mentioned that it may be more efficient to combine the £1,000.00 monies with the P3 Parish Paths Project to which Cllr Tomkinson agrees.
Cllr Horner added that there needs to be a structure to the way the roads are planned in a similar way to the very organised Parish Paths project and Clive Stone advised he would get hold of the roads asset schedule.
Resolved Clerk to email Cllr Stone a copy. Cllr Pidgeon suggested there could be an entry in the e-voices asking Parishioners for their concerns.
Cllr Diviani advised there are a lot of good people in the Council, but they need us to help ourselves and give them solutions, not problems.
Cllr Randle requested we all agree, and that Cllr Stone will take this forward and come back with a plan
7. Reports received:
– County Councillor Paul Diviani
o Advised it had been a quiet Christmas and the footings are now down at the new EDDC building site with a possible move date of December 2018. In the meantime, his diary is full of DC networking and meetings.
– District Councillor Ian Chubb
o Spoke in section 4
– Police
o No report was received.
– Yarcombe Community Land Trust
o Spoke earlier within the Community Engagement section.
– Reports from Individual Councillors
o Cllr Tomkinson advised the walkers were just about to go and walk the paths again and there is a possibility we may get another grant this next financial year. There was a question at the last meeting about some proposed extra spending, but this is just to clear some branches and it just needed approving, although it will be within the £200.00 limit allowed to spend before raising it with the Councillors as it falls within the existing budget.
– The Clerks Report
o Concerning the email from the South West Airfields Heritage Trust, Clerk to respond that they should contact Dunkeswell Parish Council as our funds are fully committed.
o Re the collision on the A30, it was discussed that it was exceptionally icy that morning and it was just before the gullies were cleaned out.
o The Yoga Pose poster to encourage dog walkers to pick up as they go has been discussed and could be used if we receive more complaints of dog fouling.
8. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority.
• Ref. No: 17/2524/FUL – Extension to agricultural building, Grove Well Farm, Yarcombe, Honiton, EX14 9BJ
Status: Pending Decision
• Ref. No: 17/2739/FUL – Change of use and works to convert traditional barns to four units of self-contained holiday accommodation together with the demolition of modern agricultural buildings at
Hares Farm – Hares Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AZ
Status: Pending Decision.
• Ref. No: 17/2524/FUL – Extension to agricultural building – Grove Well Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BJ
Status: Approval with conditions.
• Ref. No: 17/2739/FUL – Change of use and works to convert traditional barns to four units of self-contained holiday accommodation together with the demolition of modern agricultural buildings at Hares Farm – Hares Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AZ
Status: Approval with conditions
Cllr Long advised he has raised the colour of the roof at Court Farm with the Planning Department and Cllr Randle suggests they visit to discuss.
To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 5th March at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe
The Meeting closed at 9.50pm