
June 2022 Agenda

2022 Agendas Uploaded on June 8, 2022

Yarcombe Parish Council Agenda


Chairman: Cllr Steve Horner




Clerk: Diane Frost


Tel: 01823 601103 Email:


To: Cllrs Steve Horner, (Chairman), Lesley Pidgeon (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Tony Long, Shaun Vining, Caroline Ford, Matthew Tomkinson, Katie Thomson.


All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in the Jubilee Village Hall on Monday 6th June 2022 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.


Covid statement

We shall be following the Village Halls Conditions of Hire surrounding Covid 19 for everyone’s safety during our meeting: Please do not enter the meeting should you have recently been with Covid or feel any Covid symptoms abroad, been in recent contact with anyone.


The Hall, that is tables and chairs will be set out in the pre covid arrangement to permit a better dialogue between the council and members of the public.

The recording of this meeting is not permitted by either audio or visual without prior consent of the Council.


  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.

disclosures of pecuniary


  1. Minutes

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th April 2022.


  1. New Councillor appointment


  1. Reports

To receive the following Reports

  1. County Councillor
  2. District Councillor
  3. Police
  4. Yarcombe Community Land Trust    
  5. Jubilee Hall Committee
  6. Reports from Individual Councillors


  1. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence

Repair of Culvert Near Village Hall – Repair underway but Steve has requested a safety rail to protect walkers from falling down the culvert. Emailed Daniel Woods awaiting reply.


Speed through the village – ongoing


Planters on the Layby – in progress


Layby Fencing repairs – in discussion



  1. Open Session for Public Participation


  1. Finance
  2. Summary of Financial position:



Bank account balances as at 25.05.22

Unity Trust C/A & Instant Access

Forecast Cash Book Balance at after below payments on 31st May £12068.08
Less Ringfenced:
 1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure £1754.87
 2. Money allocated for Highways / Village Maintenance £831.30
 3. Election Costs £600.00
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Illustrated History of The Yarcombe Inn


CIL Monies received re Linhay £978.13
Remainder of Balance after above Ringfenced monies £7347.09


  1. To ratify payments as follows:


Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
31.05.22 HMRC PAYE 115.80
31.05.22 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages 243.98
31.05.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 219.24


Sarah-Jane Martin Expenses


19.05.22 Community First Insurance


Insurance 179.54



  • Re Planning Ref 20/1225/FUL, Land Opposite Yonder Marsh Farm Marsh Honiton EX14 9AH – £2,182.21. We are still awaiting to hear about the CIL due – EDDC were contacted in October and November.  EDDC still have not received the funds so the earliest YPC will receive them is October.
  • Change of Signatories forms on Unity Trust Account – originally signed and sent to bank however could not accept paper copies so now done on line and need signing by existing and new signatories.


Audit docs to sign off


Certificate of Exemption, Minute reference COE-YPC.2022

Annual Governance Statement

Accounting Statements, Minute Ref Acc.S-YPC.2022

Need to be submitted to PKF Friday 1st July and uploaded to website





  1. Longcroft Meadow Charity Trust


Need to appoint a new trustee.


  1. Jubilee Celebrations


  1. Photos required for Matthew, Katie and Diane to add to website.


  1. Planning

To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:

The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019.  This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.

New farm access – Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB

Ref. No: 21/2332/FUL Status: Refusal


Install boiler in dairy and flue on south elevation – Stout Mill Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ

Ref. No: 21/3299/LBC Status: Pending Decision


Erection of wooden shelter for milk vending equipment – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX

Ref. No: 22/0381/FUL  Status: Pending Consideration


Installation of a 1.2msq non-illuminated flat sign to the front of wooden shed. – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX

Ref. No: 22/0382/ADV  Status: Pending Consideration

Various works to restore building to residential use. Roof: replace roof with slate and on south elevation install PV slate; install 3no. rooflights on north elevation and 2no. rooflights on west elevation. Low wall to be removed to create opening between hall and living room; construct partition walls at ground floor to create storage and WC and at first floor to create ensuite. Widen existing opening and install double doors and replace 3no. windows on south elevation; infill stonework on west elevation; roof vent on north elevation; wall vent in west elevation; install woodburner flue; replace 2no. doors on east elevation and internal plastering and install ASHP – Ley Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LW

Ref. No: 22/0665/LBC  Status: Pending Consideration

1 x double sided board at top of farm drive 1.2m x 1.2m, green and white with Daisy’s Dairy logo; 2 x black and white 1.2m x 1.2m signs in the approach to South Waterhayne Farm stating “Fresh milk & milkshakes next right/left” on farm boundary – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX

Ref. No: 22/0530/ADV Status: Pending Consideration

Installation of solar slate tiles, installation of 2 x air source heat pumps and associated plant equipment to Barns No. 1, 2 and 3 and the Farmhouse at Ley Farm. – Ley Farm Yarcombe EX14 9LW

Ref. No: 22/0977/FUL Status: Pending Consideration

Installation of solar slate tiles, installation of 2 x air source heat pumps and associated plant equipment to Barns No. 1, 2 and 3 and the Farmhouse at Ley Farm. – Ley Farm Yarcombe EX14 9LW

Ref. No: 22/0978/LBC Status: Pending Consideration

Certificate for lawful use of agricultural dwelling to unrestricted dwelling. – Sunnyfield Bungalow Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB

Ref. No: 21/3279/CPE Status: Pending Decision

Construction of two single storey timber outbuildings. – Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE

Ref. No: 22/1055/FUL | Status: Pending Consideration

Construction of a single storey 1 bedroom annexe to provide independent but assisted/cared accommodation for a vulnerable adult – Otterview Yarcombe EX14 9ND

Ref. No: 22/0963/FUL |  Status: Pending Consideration

Adjacent Parishes:


Replace the existing staff room porta cabin which has been in place for the past five years with a new staff porta

cabin – Crawley Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AY


Ref No: 22/0588/FUL Status: Approval with conditions.


The next meeting currently scheduled as Monday 4th July at 8pm.