Yarcombe Parish Council Agenda
Chairman: Cllr Clive Stone
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Clive Stone, (Chairman), Steve Horner (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Tony Long, David Little, Shaun Vining, Caroline Ford, Charlotte Vining, Lesley Pidgeon
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held remotely or via conference call on Monday 7th September 2020 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Members of the Public Please Note: Due to the current HM Government’s measures for Covid-19, the Parish Council will meet virtually via Zoom. If any members of the public wish to raise a question for the meeting, they should contact the Clerk by Friday 4th September latest by email, so it can be added to the Agenda.
The recording of this meeting is not permitted by either audio or visual without prior consent of the Council.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
disclosures of pecuniary
3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the remote Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 22nd June 2020. Also added into the last set of Minutes is that “There were no emails received from members of the public for review or a response from the meeting”
4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
Received 06.07.20:
Please find attached the parish report for your parish from 01/05/2020 to 05/07/2020 (ZERO crimes reported)
Please remember that the figures for the crimes are REPORTED not always committed between these dates.
Hope all is well in your parish. Things have been extremely busy for us throughout East Devon.
We have a new Police Officer at Honiton PC BETH SALTER she is the new Neighbourhood Beat Manager. So, we now have Myself Pcso England and Pc Salter, SC Tom Hardy to cover the town of Honiton and the parishes.
Please find attached a leaflet for DEVON ALERT. Can you please attach this to your website if you have one? (Clerk advised Miranda and posted on Yarcombe FB page). We are trying to encourage people to sign up to the community messaging system – This can be done online. I will be looking at setting up a monthly community route when the current restriction allow and maybe drop in on a parish council meeting. Farm watch is something I have been asked to look into. How can we get the messages out to farms is an issue.
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
5. Parish Council Priorities
Website Accessibility
We have placed a notice on the website
Accessibility Statement
“These word files may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Sarah-Jane Martin at yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com and advise what format you need the document in and if possible, what assistive technology you use.”
However this is not be enough – Clerk to discuss Peter T undertaking a basic review for us and for us to reimburse him so we can place a detailed accessibility statement on the site to include what the site can and can’t do with the aim to have a new website by 2022 – https://parishcouncilwebsites.org.uk/prices/. Many other small PC’s around here have their own site so perhaps this would be a good thing.
S.106 funds
“A review of our Neighbourhood Plan to see what we could spend future CIL monies on and a Councillor(s) to do this and report back in due course”
Update on a Defibrillator in Marsh.
Yarcombe Defibrillator
Helen Matthes emailed and asked ”I just wondered if you know if anyone looks after the planters in the lay-by. The reason I am asking is that my mum and I are happy to ‘adopt them’ and tidy them regularly so that they don’t get overgrown. I’m not sure if someone is already doing that – really don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes or suggesting they are untidy or anything, and totally understand if this is not considered a good idea”?
Update on Streetscene grass cutting
Cllr Stone is liaising
Landmark Tree
Consider a Brass Plaque to place near the tree. The plaque near the Jubilee tree is still standing.
Further Tree may be claimed
From the Woodland Trust but we need to become a “ Tree Charter Branch” and apply with a grid reference of where we would place the tree to place the tree. It would be a native tree but we can’t specify which one. Any ideas on where we could place one.
The state of the fencing between the lay-by and Tilery
Damaged fence due to accident
Email received form David at Highways concerning his response to our email about the fence on the A30 which has now fallen over – he responded “This was mentioned by our Asset last week as there also re-surfacing planned along the A30. I’m just waiting to hear back as the fence may also be incorporated at the same time.”
Additional Items
John Salter Award
Awarded to Saffron Doble for the contributions to litter picking with her Mother around the village.
Saffron would like the £100 donation to go to the Yarcombe Children’s Fund. The Award has been presented but we haven’t done the donation yet.
Review of Standing Orders
Partial amendment completed – In progress
Yarcombe Inn
Asset of Community Value Nomination forma submitted and the Council Are going to try to get it in place for the 10th but it depends on how quickly they get a response form the owners.
6. Open Session for Public Participation
Responses will be made to items which have been placed on the Agenda as at Friday 4th September. For any later submissions, these will be carried forward to our October meeting.
7. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
– 2nd half of precept received £3,032.50
– Local Government pay deal agreed – Clerks wages increase by 2.75% from April 20
b. To approve payments as follows:
Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
08.09.20 HMRC September PAYE 65.80
08.08.20 Sarah-Jane Martin September Clerks wages 262.32
c. The AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) and Transparency Code Document were posted on yarcombe.net
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required
o Roger Parris has enquired about the possibility of a streetlight being placed near Brian Smiths house as it is exceptionally dark. Perhaps ask the village hall / see where we can place it.
There is a Mpow Solar Light Outdoor, Motion Sensor 30-LED Light with 19.5% High-efficient Solar Panel, IP65 Waterproof, PIR Motion Sensor, Outdoor Wall Solar Security Light for Front Door, Yard, Garden, Patio at £16.99 – Amazon 381 ratings 4.5 stars
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Cllr Long advised that during this time, site meetings have been held with a skeleton of Parish Council members, where he felt necessary and consequently hasn’t been inviting all the Parish Councillors to all the applications, due the present circumstances.
Construction of two storey side extension – Collyforches House Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9EB
Ref. No: 20/0224/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Erection of a general-purpose agricultural building – Watchford Bungalow Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 20/1313/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Re roofing wood store, demolition and replacement of workshop and storage building, installation of solar PV panels on outbuilding and re-facing part of boundary bank. – Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE
Ref. No: 20/1530/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Erection of a roof over an existing silage clamp. – Broadley Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BJ
Ref. No: 20/1156/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Certificate of proposed lawfulness to establish whether the use of a dwelling as a care home (for a maximum of 2 children) would constitute a material change of use requiring planning permission for the change of use from Class C3 (Dwelling house) to Class C2 (Residential Institutions) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) Order 2005 – Stevens Farmhouse Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX
Ref. No: 20/1124/CPL Status: CPL Approve
Erection of greenhouse. – Emmetts Farm Beacon Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LU
Ref. No: 20/0412/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Roofing over open livestock yard area. – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX
Ref. No: 20/1389/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Roofing over slurry store – Phase 1 – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX
Ref. No: 20/1367/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Roofing over slurry store – Phase 2 – South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX
Ref. No: 20/1368/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Erection of Greenhouse. – Emmetts Farm Beacon Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LU
Ref. No: 20/0412/FUL Status: Pending Decision
Demolish outbuilding and build a garage and store – Hawthorns House Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE
Ref. No: 20/1730/ Status: Pending Consideration
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 5th October and an update will be provided nearer the time as to whether this will be a public meeting or held remotely.
Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
July-Aug 2020 Yarcombe Parish Council Remote Clerks Report due to COVID-19
Finance – Update on current Financial Situation:
Bank account balances as at 01/09/2020
Lloyds £443.28
Unity Trust C/A & Instant Access £12,200.86 12644.14
Cash Book Balance at 01/09/2020 (Bank, less pending payments). 12316.02
Less Ringfenced:
1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure 1499.87
2. Money allocated for Highways / Village Maintenance 297.97
3. Election Costs 400.00
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Illustrated History of The Yarcombe Inn
Remainder of Balance after above Ringfenced monies 9,561.49
Clerk Correspondence received during July and August:
• Email from DALC concerning the new model code of conduct which has now been completed and is open for consultation. The LGA welcomes views from both Councillors and Officers, and we urge all our members councils to take the time to respond to this important consultation.
• Email from NALC concerning The government produced guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities and guidance for the safe use of council buildings which include what activities can take place from 4 July and what practical steps can be taken to manage risks.
• Email received from Devon County Council who are working with the Energy Saving Trust to put on a workshop on the topic of ‘Preparing to deliver a county-wide charging network’. It will cover the basics of electric vehicles (EV) and electric vehicle charging, discuss procurement and consider the next steps
• Email from Devon County Council concerning what if there’s a coronavirus outbreak in Devon – they have developed new measures to contain and reduce cases of coronavirus in Devon, and safeguard the health of our residents. It’s called the Local Outbreak Management Plan and it details how we will work together to help reduce the risk of outbreaks in the county, and if they do occur, identify them quickly and provide a rapid response to prevent the virus spreading. Designed to support the national NHS Test and Trace Service, it is our local blueprint for action and builds on the effort everyone has made so far to keep infection rates here so low, protect each other and support the most vulnerable in our communities. We are also helping other councils with their localised planning for coronavirus outbreak control as one of 11 authorities chosen by the government to share good practice across the country.
• Projector Screen located. Was last insured 2016/17 valued at £172 and we have added it back into the insurance at £150 – no extra cost incurred.
• Email from NALC detailing Tree Charter Day on 28th November. We have made enquiries to see if there are any trees still available.
• Email received from the Blackdown Hills Transition Group to advise all future Repair cafes have been cancelled until further notice.
• DALC have introduced some new online courses which have been circulated to the Councillors
• The National Association of Councils advise that both NALC and SLCC still strongly advise local councils to continue to meet remotely, without the need for face-to-face contact.
• During August, Cllr Stone gave Saffron Doble the John Salter award shield which has been suitably engraved
She donated the money to the Yarcombe and Marsh Children’s Fund – a worthy cause and a very appropriate recipient as the winner this year was from the youth of the parish.
It would have been good to make the presentation at a public meeting, but not really appropriate in current circumstances.
• Email received from the Wellington Monument re the repair update – “Overall, the repair works are progressing well and due to be completed as planned in Spring 2021. Work slowed down temporarily during lockdown but thanks to a clear plan from our contractors, Sally Strachey Historic Conservation, activity was able to continue in some form throughout. Most of the construction team are currently working on the upper middle part of the monument. The work here involves tooling stone, grouting and installing anchor ties to aid stability. The next big milestone is scheduled for October when the capstone or very top triangular head of the monument will be craned back into place.
• Email received from the Environment Group at Devon County Council re a new project “…the Devon Solar Together project is launching soon and there is a press release to raise awareness of the scheme. To support the region’s energy and climate strategies, Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) is looking to incentivise a solar PV collective purchasing scheme for the residential ‘able-to-pay’ sector. The project is called ‘Devon Solar Together’.”
Sarah-Jane Martin
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date 29th August 2020