
Minutes for October 2019 Meeting

2019 Minutes Uploaded on March 6, 2021

Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 7th October 2019 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs C Stone (Chair), S Horner, T Long, L Pidgeon, S Vining, C Vining, D Little, C Ford, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 2

Cllr Stone welcomed everyone to the meeting gave apologies as per the below:

1. Apologies for Absence:
• Cllr D Barnes

2. Declarations of Interest
• A further declaration of Interest was received from Cllr Stone concerning his Pecuniary Interest in the Duffield / Crawley Mill planning application which was to be discussed this evening.

3. Minutes.
• The Councillors were asked if they were happy that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th July and Monday 2nd September, received by email were a true and accurate record. The Minutes dated 2nd September were amended to reflect Cllr Stone interest in the Duffields planning application, not the property and that the land at Marsh had been cleared, just for the boreholes, not the whole site. This set of Minutes was duly amended and then both signed by the Chair.

4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
Cllr Chubb reported about the on-going overspend on Children’s Care and commented about the impending Fire Station closures which would affect everyone. They are currently trying to start dialogue with the Devon and Somerset Fire Authority to establish which their proposals are.
There are on-going issues with Broadband and Jurassic Fibre are tendering for some work. Cllr Horner added that perhaps some due diligence ought to be done on them before they are allowed to start digging holes.
b. District Councillor
Cllr Brown spoke about a possible increase in car park charges to help fill a gap in the East Devon budget as this would be an easy raise but talks need to be held between them and all the Councillors. Cllr Vining commented that surely it is better for businesses to leave the car park charges as they are and get people into the shops. Cllr Chubb added it may be an idea that the first 30 minutes is free then a higher rate is charged.
c. Police
No Police Report was received.
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Cllr Horner advised there was nothing really to report. 7 days ago, a request form Homes England came in and they are fully on course to complete the feasibility study. The ecology report should be OK and then they shall be at the Planning Stage
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
• Cllr C Vining who is on the Village Hall Committee spoke about the proposed new projector and Wi-Fi project for the village hall. Cllr Paul Hayward who was in attendance to discuss the Duffields / Crawley Mill issues mentioned that the same system had just been installed on the basis of enhancing Community Learning and training in All Saints village hall. The projector is cinema quality and Paul mentioned it may be viewed if the Yarcombe Village Hall Committee are interested. Cllr Stone added he was sure they would be delighted to see it. Cllr Hayward advised a lot of the costs were covered by lottery funding and the main costs as follows:
Video and wiring £4,000
Audio £4,000
Broadband Charges
• Cllr Ford asked about obtaining some more footpath maps which Shaun confirmed he has a lot more and will distribute
• Cllr Stone advised one of the smaller planters had been tipped over, but it has since been turned back up and re-filled. He is going to obtain a quote for a larger one.
He also asked about the progress with the Police in obtaining details of the driver who damaged the post and rail fencing. Clerk to follow this up.
More sandbags have been organised and these are to be collected.
A response has been received from Streetscene as to how many times they visit our area and Cllr Stone has asked that we report the cutting of the embankment in the village.

5. Parish Council Priorities
• Cllr Stone advised our priorities are Potholes, drainage and safety issues and the Parish Information leaflet, which is to be revised next, now most of the Yarcombe Inn project monies has been either refunded or allocated to projects. He emphasised for reports to be made to the Parish Council of any on-going issuers or changes to the PIL.

6. Open Session for Public Participation
• Merve Edgecombe was in attendance to discuss the Duffields / Crawley Mill applications and Cllr Stone, handed the Chairmanship of the meeting temporarily to Cllr Horner due to his interest in the application.
Merve advised there had been a fire at the site and this followed the Yeovil Fire Chief reporting that the Inspection Crews had assessed the site and reported that there was no concern and whatever risk there was, was low. However, 8 fire engines were in attendance which surely reflected the true risk assessed on the night.
Merve thanked Cllr Paul Hayward who he has received a lot of help from and with his on-going help, is sure he will get there an asked if the ED Councillors in attendance had any comments. Cllr Brown advised the site is Membury and as such, is not in his ward. Merve responded that that is exactly the problem and asked that having heard what was happening, was he not concerned about the professionalism being reflected by the Council and its planning department. Cllr Horner intervened and stated he believed Cllr Hayward has acted for us and thought it would be good for us to hear from him.
• Cllr Hayward advised Clifford and Merve had informed him of what had occurred. He advised he was elected in May and previously was in the Yarty Ward. He advised Membury PC is consulted on any planning at the site, but his concern is that the building appears to most, to be in the Yarcombe area, but it isn’t. He has taken steps to ensure that should Membury receive a planning application, then Yarcombe PC is to be informed, no matter what it is in order that planning councillors from both Parish Councils can attend the site visit. He added that Councillors in Membury do not have the insight that Yarcombe PC does and it is better therefore that they should work together. He stated that it is a travesty that a fire broke out and the attendance of 8 fire engines was indicative of how bad they thought it could have got and he would like to obtain an inquiry report.
Cllr Horner responded, “Thank you that is excellent, and I hope the AONB will now take more interest in planning”.
Cllr Little added that if a piece of plant within a fire is damaged and it takes longer than 24 hours to get it going again, then it is deemed serious and a RIDDOR Report form must be completed ands forwarded to the H&S Executive.
Cllr Long asked if this Council should be getting involved with H&S and Fire.
• Cllr Ford asked whether the property and business has actually got planning permission for what it has become to which Merve responded “Yes, they have a Certificate of Lawfulness but what hasn’t been said / disclosed is the scale of the business being 30,000 trucks in & out”. Cllr Horner added the Certificate of Lawfulness does not restrict their hours or truck movements. Merve added that if you see any changes you need to tell the Council and report it as with many of the planning permissions granted, they have been retrospective and not prior to the actions they have been taking
• Cllr Horner enforced that we are where we are and Merve responded that yes but I would like it kept in mind that yes we are where we are but if we have to grant something in the future I would like the authorities to add special conditions are to be attached to make it seriously onerous or costly for them.
• Cllr Horner handed the meeting back to Cllr Stone.
• Sandra Newton presented the Council with 2 costings for a defibrillator for Marsh, one of which is a loan of £1,800.00 which has to be renewed everyone 4 years. Additional costs are Insurance, replacement pads, electricity and on-going monitoring. Sandra has spoken to SWAST (who monitor these devices) and they are intending taking the Yarcombe device back as no weekly reports have been completed for it.
Cllr Horner wished the Council to recommend we do not go down the loan route and Cllr Hayward advised he has installed 21 across Devon and there are multiple options if SWAST take this one away and also for Marsh. If the thermostat isn’t working, then the pads won’t work, and the device may not be operational. Funds may be raised through the EDDC Match funded Crowdfunder and the VAT is recoverable. There is device which can be purchased outright through Medisave for £1,200 and the pads last 4 years unless they are deployed and replaceable at £100. He confirmed the electricity is just circa £5pa and the insurance £10pa
Cllr Stone thanked Cllr Hayward and said yes please, if you could send some information through.

7. Finance
• The Councillors received the Clerks report on the current Financial Position by email.
• The payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved for payment and a breakdown of the remaining Yarcombe Inn project monies cascaded.

8. Clerk and Correspondence – Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• There were no items for discussion this month.

9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority.
• Cllr Long reported on the current planning applications.

With no more comments or questions from the Councillors, Cllr Stone called the meeting to a close at 8.55pm.

To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 4th November at 8pm at the Village Hall, Yarcombe