Draft minutes meeting 6th March
Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 6th March at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Myhill (Vice Chair), T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, K Thomson, A Billington,
M Tomkinson & D Frost (Clerk & RFO)
Cllr D Key Cllr I Chubb
No members of the public present
1 Apologies for Absence
Cllr C Brown
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
None declared
3. Minutes
Councillor Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that the minutes of the meetings held on Monday 6th February could be signed as a correct record of the minutes of the meeting and everyone agreed.
4. Reports
A County Councillor
Councillor Chubb emphasised that photo ID was needed to be shown by everybody voting at a polling station in the local election. Details of what is acceptable can be found at www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/voter-id/accepted-forms-photo-id.
He advised the budgets had been set for the coming year. Highways had 1 million in their funds but that was only £50.00 per property. A new chief executive for Devon County Council has been recruited.
B District Councillor
Councillor Key advised there was nothing on the local plan till after the election and it still had 7 years left to run. The road between Blackhayes and Broadley needs serious attention. It needs to be reported to customer services centre at DCC. Councillor Chubb will also contact highways. Route 303 planning application had been to knock down part of it however it has been totally flattened so broken application which could be refused.
C Police
No report received.
D Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Councillor Horner reported that an application to EDDC for a grant for a Nutrient Neutrality Assessment has been submitted. Jo Garfoot is the Councillor officer dealing with this. The Trust had been promised the grant but it has still not arrived. Councillor Key is going to help chase up this grant. The planning application is running out of life and concern they have to keep applying for extensions.
E Jubilee Hall Committee
Councillor Tomkinson reported a van had damaged the front wall also resulting in cracked lintels and fibre glass roof. The loss adjuster and engineers had been and the job is going out to tender and will take 4 – 6 weeks to complete. The AV cabinet will be moved shortly to another part of the hall so it can still be used. The costs will be initially be paid from the hall insurance. There are also problems with part of the flooring and a leak in the kitchen roof.
F Reports from Individual Councillors
Councillor Ford had nothing to report.
Councillor Vining had nothing to report.
Councillor Billington reported about addressing speeding in the village using multiple approaches.
The Community Speed Watch group has only had 3 people sign up (including Cllr Billington) and two have completed the training. Councillor Tomkinson will complete it shortly. However, a minimum of 4 people are needed to formally establish a monitoring group. A notice will be placed again in e-voices seeking more volunteers. Liaison with the Police continues to identify and agree suitable sites for speed monitoring.
DCC Highway Neighbourhood Team have agreed to place a speed detector device in the village for a week to collect speeding data. If this shows high levels of dangerous speeding, then this would be passed to the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum and hopefully trigger further action.
We can purchase our own vehicle activated speed limit sign but this comes at a cost of £4000 and the council only have £1000 available so would need to raise the extra £3000. Councillor Horner will investigate any funding which may be available. It was suggested to also approach villagers and local businesses.
Councillor Billington then presented the idea of establishing a clear visually ‘gateway’ using verge fencing and signage which should encourage drivers to slow down and showed pictures of this in other locations. There was unanimous support for pursuing this option, so Councillor Billington will explore in detail and report back.
Councillor Myhill advised that Phil Holness has the bulbs and compost from the old planters. He will transfer these to the new planters. Councillor Thompson offered to then maintain the 2 planters.
Councillor Thompson had nothing to report.
Councillor Long had nothing to report.
Councillor Barnes will drive around the highways with Councillor Chubb to review the state of the roads.
5. Insurance Policy Review
Councillor Horner is still reviewing a new policy. Councillor Tomkinson advised about a policy on DALC website which may be suitable.
6. P3 Annual Finance Form
Councillor Horner reported the footpaths were in good condition and had applied for £500 in case there was any routine maintenance due in the coming year.
7. Footpath30 Winnowing Knapp
Gates have been erected across Footpath 30 and track at Winnowing Knapp. The track is not owned by Winnowing Knapp but unsure who does own it. Councillor Vining reported that David Meyrick had advised he was able to use this track to access his field. An email will be sent by Councillor Horner to Ros Davies the footpath officer at Devon County Council asking her opinion on the status of the gate and if she can find out the ownership of the track over which the public have right of access.
Councillor Horner then queried about the layby by Old School House having garden rubbish dump there.
He suggested a sign being placed there as public land.
Councillor Long suggested a note went into evoices generally about dumping garden waste on public land.
8. Jubilee Mugs
Councillor Myhill reported she had given out 70 mugs to the children. The ones she had sold had raised £288.00. The initial cost was £585.00. These were originally part funded by a loan of £195.00 from Complete Meats which will now be repaid. There are 20 mugs remaining and Councillor Myhill suggested these are given equally to the church and chapel. This was agreed unanimously.
9. Councillor Expenses
Councillor Tomkinson will be reimbursed £17.00 for printing cost for freedom of information.
Councillor Billington said he did not incur any costs.
Councillor Horner will be reimbursed for his ink used for freedom of information.
These costs were agreed unanimously.
10. Elections
Local Elections will take place on 4th May 2023. Details are already included on the website. They will also be advertised on evoices and on the notice boards. After the meeting councillors will complete their paper copies of the nomination packs which will then all be taken to Blackdown House in Honiton.
11. Finance
b The payments below were ratified.
Payment Date | Payee | Details of Payment | Amount |
28.02.23 | HMRC | PAYE | 62.80 |
28.02.23 | Diane Frost | Clerks Wages | 250.76 |
28.02.23 | Blackdown Hills Parish
Network |
Subscription | 97.50 |
c The clerk continues to chase £2182.21 CIL money due for Yonder Marsh Farm but with no success.
12. Planning
Councillor Long had nothing to report.
13. Open Session for public participation
No public present.
The meeting closed at 9.20 the next meeting to be held on Monday 3rd April.