
July, August, September 2022 Clerk Report

Clerk's Reports Uploaded on September 26, 2022

Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda

Yarcombe Parish Council Clerks Report in July, August & September 2022 for the 3rd October meeting


Clerk Correspondence received and on-going issues during July, August & September relating to relevant issues for Yarcombe Parish Council:


  • Letter sent to Mark Williams chief executive East Devon District Council querying the offices being locked in Honiton and Exmouth and inaccessible to the public. He replied and said that meetings can be arranged

by appointment.  However some staff are working from home.  There are no plans to open up the offices to        the general public and a receptionist being employed as the staffs are dealing with government grant schemes. This information was sent to Miranda and circulated in evoices.


  • Culvert Pithayne lane


The Parish Council have received a number of complaints about the lack of a guard rail where the culvert has been repaired on the lane that leads to Lower Pithayne farm.  In turn a request was sent  to Devon County Highways to erect a guard rail where none exists on the left hand side of the carriageway as in the council view the unguarded concrete slope presents a danger to pedestrians and animals


We received the following response from Highways.


DCC have no plans to carry out any additional works in the area.


The following reply was then sent .


You have been warned ,the lack of guard rail presents a danger , in the event an accident occurs your Department may be held liable”

This was then circulated by Miranda in evoices advising everyone to please take extreme care.


  • Unity Bank Account


Councillor Vining and Councillor Thomson have been added as signatories on the account .


  • Longcroft Meadow Bank Account


Councillor Thomson added as a signatory.  Councillor Horner removed.  Diane Frost included as contact.




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  • Longcroft Meadow Charity commission


Councillor Thomson added as a trustee.  Councillor Horner removed.  Councillor Myhill changed from Councillor Pidgeon and contact details amended.  Diane Frost included as contact.


  • Richard Foord


Invitation sent by Councillor Horner for him to attend a meeting to make him aware of any local concerns and seek his support.  No reply has been received.


  • A30 Closure received from David Ashford Highways on 14th Sepember 2022

Our B&S team had another meeting with the farmer/landowner yesterday. The main issues with this scheme is the     logistics and buildability of any stabilisation works. We (Devon County Council – DCC) can’t sit any large machinery on the road above an unstable area (hence the reason for the traffic Signals), which means we need to enter from the farm below. As the slip is right next to the farmers cattle shed, the impact of any works is currently being considered. I (B&S Team) am in communication with the farmer (now through an acting land agent) to agree the access requirements, but that this needs to satisfy both parties. As I’m sure you’re aware, this is a complex situation and needs a multi-party approach to reach an agreement. Finding a budget for this work has needed to be done, along with surveys and ground investigations to understand the size of the failed section and ground conditions below the carriageway. Unfortunately these things take time, and this isn’t the only section of highway in Devon which needs stabilising.

We are continuing to work towards a solution, and we are aware of the impact of the lights may have and can only apologise for the inconvenience, however, the only alternative was to close the road completely, needless to say, a road closure would have been more of an inconvenience as opposed to the traffic lights which has meant the road could at least remain open.

Diane Frost

Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council

Date: 23rd September 2022




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