
July 2022 Minutes

2022 Minutes Uploaded on October 4, 2022



Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 4th July 2022 at 8.00 pm


In Attendance:

Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Myhill (Vice Chair), T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, M Tomkinson, K Thomson &

D Frost (Clerk & RFO)

Cllr I Chubb Cllr D Key Cllr C Brown


Members of the Public present.  Andrew Page


  1. Apologies for Absence



  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.


Cllr David Barnes concerning Stopgate Farm.

Cllr Caroline Ford concerning slurry lagoon land near Moorpits


  1. Minutes

Councillor Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th June 2022 could be signed as a correct record the minutes of the meeting and everyone agreed.


Planning for earth-lined slurry lagoon land near Moorpits


This proposal has had 18 objections as well as Parish Council, district councillor and the Blackdown Hills Area of

Natural Beauty.


Andrew Page said there had not been proper notice of this planning to the public in particular the adjacent property.  He said the lane was heavily used by dog walkers.


Cllr Long responded and said the notice was displayed when the councillors had their site visit.  Once an application goes in there are 22 days for people to respond.  Cllr Long advised Andrew Page to take it up with EDDC if he has not happy.


Cllr Key advised that it is the responsibility of the applicant to display the notice and then take a photograph as evidence.


It appears the highways are not concerned about this application.  There was concern about slurry spillage on the lane.


  1. New Councillor Appointment

Councillor Horner advised the notices had been put on the website and on the notice board.  If 10 electors from the area apply an election will be needed.  If no applicants apply after 12th July the council can co-opt.  A prospective person has already shown interest.


  1. Reports

To receive the following Reports

  1. County Councillor

Councillor Chubb advised that the County Council are up to full strength and all back in the offices.  He has circulated a list of direct dials numbers which should make it easier to contact the correct person.  These have been emailed to all parish councillors.  He was concerned that the Exmouth and Honiton office of East Devon District Council are locked preventing entry to the public.  He requested the parish council send an email to the chief Executive Mark Williams.  There are details on the websites of the various events happening and grants available.  Roads continues to be a problem due to decrease in budgets and increase in costs.


Councillor Vining queried about grants for innovation which had over 2 million available but had only being awarded to 13 companies.  Cllr Key and Chubb will investigate.

  1. District Councillor

Councillor Key said there were still no face to face meetings or any planned until at least October.  He had been contacted about the state of the road between Blackhayes and Broad Ley.  It is in a disgraceful condition with lots of water and not safe for a car.  Cllr Horner had also been contacted about this issue.

  1. Police

No report received.

  1. Yarcombe Community Land Trust

Councillor Horner advised that the planning process has still come to a complete halt and no progress was being made.  Suggested inviting our new MP to a meeting in the future as there is an urgent need for affordable housing in the area.

  1. Jubilee Hall Committee

Councillor Tomkinson advised very fast broadband had been installed in the village hall by Gigaclear.

He encouraged everybody to use it.  Usage will be reviewed in the future and if too low will be removed.

The hall is in the process of applying for copyright to show films.  They are also investigating resurfacing the lower car park.


Councillor Horner advised  C106 money was still available but for a limited time.


  1. Reports from Individual Councillors

Councillor Ford Advised footpath 19A had stile replaced with a gate.


Councillor Myhill Advised 69 jubilee mugs still available and only 44 children had received mugs.  She will contact Miranda to put a notice in evoices.


Councillor Barnes  He will go and investigate the lane at Blackhayes.  Generally the main roads are in good repair.


Councillor Horner Encouraged the public to register pot holes on the site as this seems to produce results.

He will ask Miranda to put details in the magazine and evoices again.


Councillor Thomson Advised the website was not very user friendly.  She will liaise with the clerk.


Councillor Long The parish council website is separate from facebook and that the council should have no interaction with facebook activities.


  1. Communication between meetings by email


This will continue ensuring everybody is included so no parish councillor feels excluded from any information.


  1. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence


Repair of Culvert Near Village Hall


E mail received from David Ashford on 4th July stating DCC have no plans to carry out any additional works in the area.  This means they aren’t going to install a safety rail on the other side.  Councillor Horner will contact Miranda to include in evoices as it is very dangerous to pedestrians and animals.


Speed through the village –  this will be discussed at the next meeting when we will hopefully have a new councillor who is keen to assist with this matter.


Planters in Lay By – Councillor Barnes will liaise with Phil Holness.


Lay By Fencing Repairs – In an email on 16th June from Meg Booth Devon County Council Highways have acknowledged responsibility.  This is currently being investigated with a view to include in this year’s programme, resources and funding permitting.  On 29th June Councillor Myhill saw 3 men looking at the fence.


Linhay Culvert – In an email on 16th June from Meg Booth Devon County Council Highways stated the DCC responsibility for gullies and associated drainage ends at the edge of the road.  Councillor Horner will contact head of highways.


  1. Open Session for Public Participation

No matters were raised


  1. Finance


The payments below were ratified.


Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
30.06.22 Unity Bank Charges 5/3 – 3/6/22 18.00
30.06.22 HMRC PAYE 54.80
30.06.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 219.24


Phil Holness Grass Cutting at Layby


13.06.22 Lesley Myhill


John Salter Award Donation for David

Little used for Jubilee Party for children






  • Re Planning Ref 20/1225/FUL, Land Opposite Yonder Marsh Farm Marsh Honiton EX14 9AH – £2,182.21. We are still awaiting to hear about the CIL due – EDDC were contacted in October and November.  EDDC still have not received the funds so the earliest YPC will receive them is October.


  • Change of Signatories forms on Unity Trust Bank Account –sent by email 14th Clerk chased on 4th July and spoke to Kimberly at 10.16 to say Cllr Thomson and Vining would be added today and the clerk would receive new login details by the end of the week.




  1. Photos required for Councillor Tomkinson and Thomson and clerk for website


This will be done shortly by Councillor Tomkinson.


  1. Planning


To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:

The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.

Cllr Long asked if everyone was happy with what was listed on the agenda and everyone was.



Cllr Horner called the meeting to a close at 9.00pm



The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 5th September 2022 at 8pm