Draft Yarcombe Parish Council Minutes 6th February 2023
Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 6th February at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Myhill (Vice Chair), T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, K Thomson, A Billington
& D Frost (Clerk & RFO)
Cllr D Key Cllr C Brown
No members of the public present
1 Apologies for Absence
Cllr M Tomkinson & Cllr I Chubb
2.Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
None declared
3. Minutes
Councillor Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that the minutes of the meetings held on Monday 9th January could be signed as a correct record of the minutes of the meeting and everyone agreed.
4. Reports
A County Councillor
No report received
B District Councillor
Councillor Key & Brown said few meetings were taking place. EDDC are interviewing for a new monitoring officer. On 22nd February EDDC is discussing council tax. Housing repairs are still an issue.
Councillor Long asked Councillor Key about planting around Broadley. He advised that plants need to be matured & semi matured trees with a minimum of 5 feet in height. Also, if trees die, they must be replaced. There are now 2 new tree officers. One of whom will visit the site shortly. Councillor Key will chase up this screening.
C Police
No report received.
D Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Councillor Horner reported that an application to EDDC for a grant for a Nutrient Neutrality Assessment has been submitted. Jo Garfoot is the Councillor officer dealing with this. Councillor Key & Brown are going to help chase up this grant.
E Jubilee Hall Committee
No report received.
F Reports from Individual Councillors
Councillor Ford said the gates on footpaths were not appealing to the eye but were needed for disabled people.
Councillor Myhill had nothing to report.
Councillor Vining had nothing to report.
Councillor Billington reported about speeding in the village.
Initially it seemed progress was being made in getting Community Speed Watch (CSW) up and running with local police agreeing that two speed monitoring sites within the 30mph zone on either side of the village were appropriate. However, a specialist CSW officer has subsequently declared that they are unsuitable. Instead, they approved one alternative location, but this is very near to the main bend in the road where traffic slows anyway and it seems their approved site is actually located on private property.
Given this slow progress, an alternative approach has been taken by requesting that the Speed Compliance Action Review Forum (SCARF) review the level of dangerous speeding through the village. A request has been made that they collect speeding data using Speed Detection Radar devices to quantify the extent of the problem, which would then guide further options to address speeding.
Councillor Long had been approached by a member of the public about road signs being left behind along with batteries.
Councillor Thompson had nothing to report.
Councillor Barnes had been approached by Sparky Taxis who pick up school children from Broadley about the state of the surrounding roads. He has reviewed these highways and will be in touch with David Ashford. All highways’ problems need to be reported and then they will show on the map. The concrete planters will be installed shortly.
5. Code of Conduct
A resolution was proposed by Lesley Myhill, seconded by Alistair Billington and passed unanimously to adopt the local government association model code of conduct found at
6. Insurance Policy Review
Councillor Horner is still reviewing a new policy.
7. P3 Annual Finance Form
Councillor Horner will complete & submit this form for funding for footpath repairs by 13th February 2023.
8. Finance
b The payments below were ratified.
Payment Date | Payee | Details of Payment | Amount |
31.01.23 | HMRC | PAYE | 62.60 |
31.01.23 | Diane Frost | Clerks Wages | 250.96 |
31.01.23 | Netwise UK | Premium Package, Hosting, Support and
Maintenance 2/2/23 – 1/2/24 |
396.00 |
31.01.23 | Netwise UK | Domain Renewal 15/2/23 – 14/2/24 | 24.00 |
31.01.23 | Devon Association of
Local Councils |
Alistair Billington Being a good councillor
Webinar |
18.00 |
31.01.23 | Phil Holness | Footpath 20 replace wooden stile | 180.00 |
31.01.23 | Dru Doble | Computer Services | 180.50 |
c The clerk will continue to chase £2182.21 CIL money due for Yonder Marsh Farm
9. Planning
Councillor Long requested if other councillors could provide him with contact details for the applicants, when requested, as they are not available on the EDDC portal due to GDPR. After we have had the site meeting and fully discussed the applications, Councillor Long also requested for everybody to keep to our submitted EDDC planning portal comments to avoid inconsistencies and unprofessionalism.
10. Open Session for public participation
No public present.
The meeting closed at 9.03, the next meeting to be held on Monday 6th March.