
Minutes for September 2018 Meeting

2018 Minutes Uploaded on March 6, 2021

Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 3rd September 2018 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs N Randle (Chair), L Pidgeon, C Stone, T Wiggins, M Tomkinson, T Long, S Horner, S Parris, D Barnes, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 3

Cllr Randle welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence:
No apologies received.

2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Susan Parris declared a Declaration of Interest concerning a planning application and Cllr Maggie Tomkinson declared a Declaration of Interest concerning now being Treasurer of Yarcombe Voices and receiving a cheque on their behalf.

3. Minutes.
The Councillors were asked if they were happy that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd July were signed as a correct copy and they were then duly signed.

4. Parish Council Priorities
• Clifthayne Lane
Works in the lane to repair the road surface have been completed and to everyone’s satisfaction as it has been completed to a high standard.
• Village Working Party
The Councillors have volunteered to do some work in the village during September or October and Clerk is to email all the Councillors to establish a date and publicise it in the e-Voices to see if we can get some village support.
Cllr Stone mentioned he will talk to George Pidgeon as the trees which need some attention a quite high and the grass on the other side of the fence could be cut by the Council as they have the equipment.
• Stock House to Rag Lane
Cllr Wiggins mentioned there is a gully between Stock house and Rag Lane which is totally overgrown and needs digging out. Clerk will email highways.
• The John Salter Award
We have received a letter from Miranda who won the Award and has decided where to donate the £100.00 award to. This is to be split between the Senior Citizens lunch and the Yarcombe and Marsh Children’s Fund. Clerk to email Miranda and the recipients to see if thy can attend the start of the next meeting to receive the award.

5.Discussions of Comments from Parishioners re Highways and Local Concerns
Cllr Randle welcomed the Parishioners to the meeting and stated that The Yarcombe Inn and the Yarcombe Community Land Trust were going to be discussed in the confidential session at the end of the meeting but if anyone had any questions, regarding these two topics they would be welcomed so the Councillors could discuss them later. The Parishioners were invited to raise any concerns or issues they have:
• Mrs Newton from Marsh asked about whether the land in the centre of the village could also be repaired and if not, what could be one about the immense amount of water running down the lane, pass the pub door and across the road. Another lady from Marsh mentioned she has to walk up and down the lane and is worried that one day she may fall as the surface is uneven. Cllr Barnes mentioned that the lengthsman used to visit the village, but not anymore. Clerk to email highways.
Cllr Tomkinson asked if the Parish Handyman could have any responsibility for drainage but Cllr Randle mentioned that not without Chapter 8 training.
• Cars at Speed through Marsh was also mentioned and it has asked if they could have a slow down sign as people are driving off the A303 at speed and don’t slow down. This is happening at both ends of the village. Cllr Randle advised we are looking at a portable speed “flash sign” which if tis was to be obtained, it could also be used in Marsh. Cllr Diviani mentioned there was an incident on the Axminster to Honiton road and the speed problem was going up the hill rather than down – he re-iterated for us not to assume the speed problem is on the way down the road.
• Caroline Ford asked if anything can be done with the height of the curb at Stopgate. This is an issue we have raised with Highways before and their response was that the height of the curbs are no higher than any others long the A303 and as such they are not seen as a problem. Cllr Randle asked the Clerk to email a copy of the response from Highways to Caroline.
• Cllr Tomkinson asked to be part of the public present and mentioned the Thank You 100 celebrations. There is a small group looking at the possibility of co-ordinating something and there is to be a meeting between the Church and Chapel this week and, that if there is enough enthusiasm then something will happen. Cllr Tomkinson asked that should support be required, would the Parish Council be happy to support. This was met with total agreement.
Cllr Randle mentioned the Penny presentation which will be in the Chapel in October as a part celebration of their anniversary on the 21st.

6. Finance
a. The Councillors received the Clerks report on the current Financial Position.
b. The payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved for payment.
A discussion was held concerning the new Unity Trust Bank account and that we need to start using it to utilise the online payments facility. The next payments due will be set for authorisation in the online system.
Cllr Horner asked if lines on the Clerks Report concerning the Yarcombe Inn project could be consolidated. This was agreed.

7. Reports received:
a. County Councillor
Cllr Chubb was not in attendance and no report was received.
b. District Councillor
Cllr Diviani reported the recycled waste is now over 60% which was up in July. The new EDDC building is coming on at a rate of knots and is already an impressive sight approaching Honiton from Exeter.
There isn’t an awful lot more going on apart from the usual day to day.
Cllr Randle noted Cllr Ian Chubb wasn’t in attendance and stated we are hoping he would attend the October meeting. Clerk to email Cllr Chubb and advised he was missed this evening, but we would be delighted to see him at the October meeting.

c. Police
A Report from PCSO Darren England was received as follows:
6 crimes reported
• THEFT FROM A MOTOR VEHICLE – Purse stolen from unlocked vehicle left on drive
• POSSESS A CONTROLLED DRUG OF CLASS B – CANNABIS / CANNABIS RESIN – Following Police operation vehicle stopped and drugs located
• CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY VALUED UNDER £5000 – Damage caused to property caused by known person
• CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY VALUED UNDER £5000/Vehicle – Linked to above crime- known offender
• BURGLARY DWELLING – THEFT / ATTEMPT THEFT / CAUSE DAMAGE – Ongoing investigation, person away from property at the time
• ATTEMPT BURGLARY DWELLING WITH INTENT TO STEAL – unknown persons has tried to gain entry to property
Cllr Long asked if there was mention of the fatality in Yarcombe which there wasn’t. He advised that 2 cars left his property on the night the man was killed and turned right. There were no road-block signs, and this was 2 hours after the incident had occurred. Regrettably, the incident was still on display which was quite traumatic for the occupants of the cars and the Policeman who was in attendance got very cross with the vehicles yet there was no signage to stop the vehicles going up the road. The signage was instead further down into the village.
Cllr Tomkinson enforced that there had been cuts to Policing, as evidenced when she was burgled. Cllr Diviani recommended emailing the Police Commissioner for Cornwall and Devon, Allison Andres. This was seen as a good idea and Cllr Randle asked Tony and Maggie to contribute words, but which should include that “we do not with this to been in a negative light, but we do feel we must raise the issue”.
Concerning the burglaries, it was raised that we could order some neighbourhood watch signs for distribution and invite PCSO Darren England to our January meeting to discuss what more we can be doing.

d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
This will be discussed in confidential session later in the evening.

e. Reports from Individual Councillors
• Cllr Stone reported he met up with Philip Holness, the Parish Handyman and he has been concentrating on the village layby but will expand to strim around signs and the seat at the layby. He will also start weed killing. Cllr Stone reported that we have seen the recent invoice and it was agreed this was very reasonable.
The day Phillip commenced the mowing, typically the council arrived to mow the layby. Cllr Stone also reported he had an idea that he was looking to contact the Council to ask that if we took responsibility for the cutting the layby grass, to ask If they would be able to bring their machinery to cut the other side of the fence from the layby to Moorhayne Lane.
• Cllr Stone also reported we are just awaiting consent form the Flood and Coastal Risk Management Team and then works can commence in Blackhayes Lane.
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• S137 grants – The deadline for applications should be October or November and no interest has been received so far. We decide to change the wording more along the lines of:
o The Parish Council gives grants of up to £200.00 to Community Organisations and applications are open once a year. Should your Community Organisation like to receive a grant up to this amount, please email the Clerk and let the Council know what you would like it to be used for, so your organisation to be considered.
• The only sign which would be allowed in the village is the following “Pedestrians in road ahead” sign which is agreed will not do much good. Cllr Randle advised we could instead consider a Parishes Together Funding application for funds to help purchase the mobile speed flash sign. Cllr Wiggins asked if the Policy may have any examples of where these signs have made a positive impact in slowing traffic down – Clerk to email PCSO Darren England.
• Concerning the email received from Pat placing some stepping stones across the layby grass it was agreed 4/5 stones would suffice and they would need to be well placed into the ground. Clerk to email highways to see if we would be allowed to place some pacing slabs into this area.
• We don’t have any more “no cold caller” stickers and Clerk to email PCSO England again to see if some may be obtained – if not, we shall purchase some off Amazon.
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
• Cllr Long reported on the current issues he is currently considering, and Cllr Horner wished it to be noted that Cllr Long has carried out a first-class job concerning the objection at Watchford Farm.

Any other business
Cllr Stone asked about having read the nominal contribution to the Yarcombe Voices for the Parish Councils requests of entries and Cllr Randle advised they ought to be applying for a S137 grant so the Council can provide a lump sum contribution

To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 1st October at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe