
Minutes for March 2019 Meeting

2019 Minutes Uploaded on March 6, 2021

Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 4th March 2019 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs L Pidgeon (Vice Chair), C Stone, T Long, S Horner, D Barnes, T Wiggins, S Parris, M Tomkinson, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 2

Cllr Pidgeon welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave apologies as per the below:

1. Apologies for Absence:
• Cllr Nick Randle.

2. Declarations of Interest
• A declaration of Interest was completed by David Barnes concerning a local Planning Application.

3. Minutes.
• The Councillors were asked if they were happy that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th February, received by email were a true and accurate record. This was agreed and the Minutes were duly signed.

4. Parish Council Priorities
Nothing had been placed on the Agenda and there was no discussion concerning our priorities.

5. Open Session for Public Participation
• Caroline Ford thanked Cllr Clive Stone for all the hard work he has done in the lane and the continued work regarding the ditches. One of the ditches has been dug out but the mud/soil dug out is not taken away. It is just put on the bank and is now a meter high as EDDC say it is too expensive to take it away. The flooding in the lane can be coped with as the water goes away but the mud on the sides of the bank is becoming more of an issue. Cllr Pidgeon also thanked Clive for all his hard work.
• Brian Anning reported an increase in Potholes along the land just off the B3170. Clerk to visit the lane and report them on the Pot Hole App and after assessment, notify Iain Chub.
An issue in other areas of Yarcombe and Marsh is that they come out and mark them but don’t get on and do them.
There is also another large pothole outside Mrs and Mrs Newman’s House, The Old School House at Marsh. Clerk has reported this on the Pothole App, reference W191208891.

6. Finance
• The Councillors received the Clerks report on the current Financial Position.
• The payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved for payment.
• It was confirmed to renew our membership of the Blackdown Hills Parish Network and the subscription was duly agreed at £95.85pa.

7. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor – no report received
b. District Councillor – no report received

c. Police
• A crime report was received regarding an assault on a narrow bridge which we are assuming was the small bridge over the Yarty. We were also advised that Police numbers in our area are falling and due to serious time constraints, completion of the required 15 Parish Council reports a month may have to be reduced to a quarterly report, so they can be split to 5 a month rather than the currant 15. There are online portals which we can also access if required.
• Cllr Horner suggests we write to the Chief Commissioner which was agreed by Councillor Tomkinson. The view that the reduction in policing is unacceptable and appalling that they are cutting policing o the streets and community liaison – especially as more and more crime is migrating from towns to villages. Clerk to write to Devon And Cornwall Police.

d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
• Cllr Horner reported that the trust is “plodding on” – the preliminary Ecological Survey has been completed and the next step is to obtain a Species Survey and spray a noxious weed.
• Good news is that Homes England have agreed the finance of £47,000.00
• Cllr Stone reported that a Topographical Survey is to be conducted to establish the level of the site and a path plus a cross path will be cut to take a level and another gate is being erected to deter anyone getting on to the site. Cllr Pidgeon added this is all really good to hear.

e. Reports from Individual Councillors
• Cllr Wiggins reported he is standing down in May and we were advised that in total 4 Councillors are to stand down, Cllrs Nick Randle, Tony Wiggins, Sue Parris and Maggie Tomkinson. We discussed the process for re-nomination and that the Nomination Packs are available for completion. Ideally, we would like to get all the packs completed and sent to EDDC before the end of March.
• Cllr Stone advised him and Cllr Randle visited the new EDDC building in Honiton which was very interesting – all open plan apart from the election offices.
• Cllr Stone also added that he has been to a meeting at the layby to consider what can be done to stop people from running over the grass at the top end of the layby. Phil Holness has suggested some planters filled with flowers at a cost of £40.00 each. This was agreed to be done.
• Cllr Stone is obtaining a quote for the replacement of the fence along the A30 in the village with posts and a galvanised hand rail. The alternative and cheaper option would be to insert some post supports which would strengthen the posts where required. This would cost between £60-100 and this too was agreed.
• It was raised that the John Salter Award ought to be given some thought as usually it is presented around this time of year. Clerk to place a note in the Voices and ask for nominations.
• Cllr Long would like it recognised that Saffron Doble has on several occasion, done some litter picking through the village and suggests a £25.00 voucher is sent to her within a Thank you card.

8. Clerk and Correspondence – Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• It was confirmed to pay Peter Tarrant £120.00 for his work on uploading the monthly Agendas and Minutes to the website plus the annual accounts returns. This goes back over 4 years form when payments lapsed. Ongoing, a payment will be made annually, and an increase is proposed for next year from £30pa to £35.
• Concerns have been raised by a resident in Drakes Meadow about the parking and how people are parking in an inconsiderate way towards other people who need to se the area. The Councillors discussed that it is a private area and not an issue for the Parish Council. It was suggested the Clerk emails the lady concerned and suggests perhaps contacting the Estate or other residents.

• Cllr Horner has found out that Yarcombe Parish Council could be in line for receipt of some Community Infrastucture Levy monies on completion of the Baptist Chapel and also White Horns. It was emphasised that we need to ensure we receive these monies, especially for the Baptist Chapel, with a view to paying the monies back to the Chapel. Cllr Long said well done to Cllr Horner for finding out.

9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority.
• Current Planning applications and site visits undertaken were advised to the Councillors.
• Concerning Duffield’s Mill at Crawley Farm, it is thought this has been scaled up without authority and that there were may conditions when it was first set up. Clerk to chase Dvid Crocker for a response.

With no more comments or questions from the Councillors, Cllr Pidgeon called the meeting to a close at 9.00pm.

To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 1st April at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe