Held in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe, Monday 2nd July 2018 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs N Randle (Chair), L Pidgeon, C Stone, T Long, S Horner, S Parris, D Barnes, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 0
Cllr Randle firstly apologies for his absence last month due to illness and thanked Lesley for standing in.
1. Apologies for Absence:
Cllrs Paul Diviani, T Wiggins and M Tomkinson
2. Declarations of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were announced
3. Minutes.
The Councillors were asked if they were happy that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th June were a correct record and they were duly signed.
4. Parish Council Priorities
Cllr Randle said that as this was now our final year of this Council, what would we like to do within this section – whether to consider what has been said or have another round of topics to focus on. It was decided that the meetings with the groups provided a lot of areas for consideration and Clive then Tony seconded that we have a lot to review already. We shall look over areas we have covered for future Agendas.
5.a Discussions of Comments from Parishioners re Highways and Local Concerns
The Parishioners concerns about highways and local matters were discussed:
• Concerning Clifthayne Lane and the road between this lane and Shorthayne Farm – Steve Horner advised that Devon County Council have announced this road as satisfactory, but it is falling away at the edges. DCC have responded to the Clerk saying they would be willing to have a meeting.
• Concerning the grass cutting of the layby – we have received 2 quotes for work at different hourly rates and as the grass will need to be cut a couple of times a month in the Summer, it was decided to approach the Otterford Handyman to see if this would be something he would be interested in. Cllr Stone to make contact. For other areas in the village needing attention, it was decided to try to get a working party together and publicise this in the Voices. The date has yet to be agreed but we are aiming for September / October.
Resolved, Clerk to put a note in the Voices asking for Volunteers.
• Concerning Hay Lane and potholes – some have been repaired but more needs to be done.
• Concerns have been raised about the speed of traffic through the village and whether we can obtain some “Elderly people / Children crossing” signs. We have contacted Highways and are awaiting a response.
• The Taunton lane up to Stopgate has been mentioned as it is falling away at the edges and is a safety defect. Clerk to email Highways.
• There is an issue with insufficient drainage in Rag Lane which causes water to flow over the road and freeze in the Winter. Clerk to email Highways with the resident’s concerns.
• Lack of litter picking by Highways is a concern up the Yarcombe Hill and we shall continue to monitor.
– we shall keep a list of actions made and revisit on a future Agenda.
• Cllr Long mentioned there are some substantial potholes near Crawley Farm – Clerk to report on Pothole App.
5.b Open Session for Public Participation
No Parishioners were in attendance.
6. Finance
a. The Councillors received the Clerks report on the current Financial Position.
b. The payments within the schedule in the Clerks Report were approved for payment.
A discussion was held concerning the new Unity Trust Bank account and that we need to start using it to utilise the online payments facility. The next payments due will be set for authorisation in the online system.
7. Reports received:
a. County Councillor
Cllr Chubb was not in attendance and no report was received.
b. District Councillor
Cllr Diviani had given his apologies and no report was received.
c. Police
• SEND LETTER / COMMUNICATION / ARTICLE CONVEYING INDECENT / OFFENSIVE MESSAGE – Phone call received by the victim by unknown person. No further enquires so filed.
• CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO PROPERTY UNDER £5000 – DWELLING, Damage to rear patio door glass. Cause unknown. No known offender. No enquires so filed.
Cllr Stone asked if we have any more “No Cold Caller Stickers” – Clerk to look.
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Cllr Horner reported Devon Communities Together had sent out the Survey Forms and he is hoping for a good response, to prove the need for Community Housing. Currently the landowner in Marsh and his Agent haven’t moved anything forward. Cllr Randle asked if we shall receive some feedback and it was advised yes, the outcome of the survey will be advised.
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
• Longcroft Meadow – Cllr Horner reported the ambition is still for a land swap and we are still trying to liaise with the Charity Commission with a view to registering the land, but they have advised they currently have a 10-week backlog.
It was also mentioned when the last rent review was, and it was decided to dd this to the September Agenda together with arranging to walk the field.
Cllr Long asked if the members of the Committee are keen to pursue the land swap and it was advised that the Trustees do think it is a good idea.
• Cllr Barnes stated Highways should be out repairing potholes now whilst the weather is good. Cllr Stone reported he has seen Highways working in Stockland Lane and suggests we record all work undertaken in the village such as gullies. Cllr Randle advised we have been unhappy with potholes and highways ever since he has been on the Council and stated that whatever we are doing, we need to accept it isn’t working.
Resolved, Clerk to email Cllr Ian Chubb to arrange a conversation with him and have a specific Agenda item for Action to be taken. State we have specific issues and would like his support in the areas suggested and could he please be here for our meeting.
Resolved, we will collate a record of what we know has been done, and after repeated requests and what needs to be done.
• Cllr Stone advised he is in contact with the Otterford Contractor about drainage works and that as per our Parishes Together funding, it states we need to contact the Environment Agency before works commence and it was agreed that if this is part of the terms for receiving the funds, then we need to contact them prior to works commencing.
• Cllr Stone has also had a few ideas to tidy up the signage in the village and is still working on it.
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• Whether lighting on local Commercial buildings are in breach of planning – item deferred form the June meeting:
Resolved – to place this item on the Agenda for September and ask Parishioners to be considerate when it comes to external lighting.
• Letter received dated 31.05.18 from Victim Support asking if the Council would consider contributing to the on-going development of work in our area.
Resolved – we shall add this to the September Agenda to see if it would fit with an S137 grant
• Re cleaning of road signs
Resolved – Clerk to email Highways concerning all signs into the village from the North, West and East and the entry sign to Marsh.
• Email received from Nick Copp with quote concerning the grass cutting of the layby – viewed too expensive for the job and Clerk to email to advise.
• Further information concerning the Evolis Radar Speed Sign.
It was decided the solar wasn’t as reliable as the electric version and sharing it was discussed. We shall wait to see if we receive some more locality funding
• Email concerning recruitment of a parish/town council member for the Standards Committee – no interest.
• Register of interest forms – no changes by any Councillors confirmed.
• Cllr Randle has been invited to the Chairman’s Garden Party at Knowle in August but is unable to attend and asks Lesley if she would like to consider attending in his place.
• Email received from Steve Horner – Perhaps we should discuss at the next meeting if Yarcombe Parish Council should make any preparations to celebrate Armistice Day this year, particularly as we have now lost Michael Ford who took a special interest in such matters.
o Since discovered the village already has this in hand and a Committee has been formed.
o Concerning the bronze penny which is currently being photographed, it was discussed whether a frame could be made, and the penny mounted and given to the Baptist Chapel which is where the deceased man and his family used to worship. It could then be presented by YPC to the Chapel
o Cllr Long will look at it with a view to making a frame
o Clerk to email Thelma at the Baptist Chapel to see if they would like to receive it.
o Cllr Barnes advised that for the 75th Anniversary, Dunkeswell are trying to arrange 5 planes on a date as close as possible.
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
• Cllr Long reported he is currently considering 3 applications
To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 3rd September at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe