Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 10th January 2022 at 8.00 pm
In Attendance:
Cllrs C Stone (Chair), S Horner, T Long, L Pidgeon, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)
Members of the Public present – 3
Cllr Stone welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. Apologies for Absence
Councillors David Key and Colin Brown
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
Clerk, Cllrs Tony Long, David Little concerning The Belfry listed building consent, Cllr Tony Long concerning the Notice Board repairs at Marsh and Yarcombe & Cllr Shaun Vining concerning a relative’s planning application.
3. Chair Standing Down
Cllr Stone officially stood down as Chairman but said a few words of thanks:
“As you all know, we have left the area and I am no longer eligible to stand as a Councillor. Thank you all for having and supporting me. It has been enjoyable, challenging and satisfying journey helping and contributing to this lovely community.
To Lesley Pidgeon, thank you for encouraging me to join and for her long-term commitment to the Parish.
To David Barnes for his long-term commitment, regular calls and help on the Highways.
To Tony Long for his long-term involvement in planning, knowledge, and interpretation of our Neighbourhood Plan.
To Steve Horner for his detailed knowledge, proactive enthusiasm, determination, and perseverance concerning crowdfunding and the affordable housing scheme.
To everyone, for their contribution and teamwork and to Sarah-Jane, for her support, knowledge and keeping us all on the straight and narrow.
Finally, there is just one thing left to do and that is to hand over the “apple pressing equipment document.”
4. Proposals and Vote for new Chairman
Cllr Stone put forward a proposal for a new Chairman. Cllr Pidgeon proposed Steve Horner as the new Chairman, seconded by Cllr Barnes and this was unanimous in agreement.
5. Handover
Cllr Horner signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the Clerk.
Cllr Horner stated his first duty was to thank Clive for all his hard work and said “it seems not long ago when Clive attended a meeting and showed particular interest in the activities of the Council that it was clear that he would be the person for the job. Clive has been particularly attentive, and we thank him particularly for the apple pressing contribution to the community. I would like to propose a formal vote of thanks. Cllr Horner firstly proposed, seconded by Cllr Caroline Ford. Cllr Horner said I feel very honoured to be voted for as your Chairman, and have recently realised, this is the only job in which I can not be fired from!
6. Proposals and Vote for New Vice-Chair
My next job is to have a proposal for the Vice-Chair, please may we have a proposal?
Cllr David Barnes proposed Lesley Pidgeon which was seconded by Cllr Tony Long. Votes in favour were unanimous. Cllr Horner said thank you very much Lesley, you have a hard job ahead!
7. Minutes
The Councillors were asked if they were happy with the Minutes of the October and November meetings, and they were signed as a correct record.
8. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor – No report received
b. District Councillor – No report received
c. Police
It was discussed that reports from the Police would be placed on the Clerks report, unless there was anything specific to Yarcombe.
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Cllr Horner advised that planning permission was applied for on 4th October 2020, being 16 months ago and it still has not got to the planning stage as the EDDC Lawyers are waiting for agreement for a Lawyer, to agree a S.106 agreement. It should be very simple, but we have been waiting and waiting and it is scandalous that EDDC will not fast track the application.
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
Cllr Ford – Reported that after the incident with Footpath 19 by a van driver, Phil Holness will attend to some minor repairs. Once his works are complete and we have received the invoice, we shall try and re-coup this from the gentleman concerned who caused the damage.
Cllr Barnes – advised there had been improvements on the roads, Stopgate to Yarcombe and near Watchford Farm but there are other lanes that could have been attended too and haven’t, such as between Watchford and Williambear. He advised that unfortunately, Highways don’t ask the Parish Councils what needs doing but rather just go ahead and do the works. Cllr Barnes added he strongly feels Watchford Lane should have a 7.5 tonne weight limit placed on it. Cllr Horner responded Highways have done a lot of work, but they are very reluctant to put weight limits on lanes. He has spoken to other Parishes, and they all think it is nonsensical. Cllr Horner added whether it would be worth writing to the MD of Duffields, requesting their lorries do not use the Stopgate to Yarcombe Lane.
Cllr Pidgeon queried if we had the right to do so. Cllr Horner responded that surely a polite letter from the Clerk would be acceptable.
Cllr Vining advised it is not just the lorries but the large tractors which probably do more damage as they are wider than the Duffields lorries and their huge tyres rip up the road edges and sink down the verges at the sides of the lanes. Cllr Ford added that is exactly what is happening in the lanes near her.
Cllr Stone added he met with Highways a couple of years ago and it was discussed that Yarcombe was to be a pilot village for their new “Doing what matters” campaign where the focus would be on doing what matters for the Community. Cllr Stone said going forward, we ought to emphasise to Highways what matters to our community, concerning Highways works. Cllr Horner asked Clive if he felt we should write to Highways, to which Cllr Stone responded yes. It was agreed Cllr Barnes and the Clerk would put together a letter.
Cllr Little – Reported the defibrillator is registered with the South-West Ambulance Service and registered on their website. It was discussed pads will need replacing within the next 6 months.
Cllr Stone – Advised he will be remaining as a Director of the Community Land Trust
9. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence
• Councillor Vacancy – the closing date is the 15th and Cllr Horner made a statement concerning the process.
He advised there is a process where we can co-opt a Parishioner to become a Councillor. Parishioners need to apply and set out that they are eligible in that they live within the Parish. We have received 3 applications and a further 2 people are considering. There is a process to interview but given the current Covid situation, we have decided that each Candidate would put forward what they would like to do – details will be sent to each Councillor after the closing date.
During PART B of the February meeting, closed to members of the public, the Nominations will be put forward and a Vote carried out.
Cllr Horner asked the Councillors if they are in favour of discussing the candidates rather than interviewing. Cllr Stone proposed and Cllr Pidgeon seconded, and all were in favour
• Queens Jubilee
Jean Rich has asked if the PC are planning something for the Queen’s Jubilee. It was discussed that there could be a Beacon at Cllr Horner’s home and that everyone could have a think in readiness for the next meeting for it to be discussed again then. In the meantime, we understand there was to be a meeting of the Church this week and we could ask what they have in mind. Clerk to email Jean Rich.
Planters on the Layby – one is cracked and may need replacing in the Spring/Summer 22
10. Open Session for Public Participation
Cllr Horner greeted everyone in attendance and asked if anyone would like to raise any issues.
It was raised that the potholes are not being done properly – the lane edges, potholes and drainage is not being done. Cllr Ford agreed.
11. Finance
The payments below were ratified:
Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
13.11.21 Tony Long Notice Board Repairs in Marsh and Yarcombe £150.00
30.11.21 Helen Matthews Bulbs and bedding plants for the planters £32.44
30.11.21 Yarcombe hall Hire of Village Hall for cream tea £40.00
30.11.21 HMRC PAYE £59.80
30.11.21 Sarah-Jane Martin Wages £239.20
31.12.21 HMRC PAYE £59.80
31.12.21 Sarah-Jane Martin Wages £239.20
Precept – it was decided this shall remain unchanged from last year which means for the last 2 years, it has not increased, even though Cllr Long last year noticed EDDC allocated a 0.5% increase. The EDDC response was that “The individual amount per resident in calculated on the number of Band D properties which may have changed slightly during the past year. This has resulted in the minor change to the individual charge”.
12. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Cllr Long asked if everyone was happy with what was listed on the agenda, and everyone was and advised there were 3 planning applications to discuss after the meeting.
Cllr Horner called the meeting to a close at 8.45pm
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 7th February at 8pm.