
February 2022 Minutes

2022 MinutesMinutes Uploaded on April 2, 2022


Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 7th February 2022 at 8.00 pm

In Attendance:
Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Pidgeon, T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, S-J Martin (Clerk & RFO)

Members of the Public present – 2

Cllr Horner welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending. He opened the meeting with thanks to the Vice Chair, Cllr Pidgeon, and the Clerk for help over the first few weeks. Cllr Horner advised that should the person speaking see his folder raised, it was a polite request to raise voices due to us all wearing masks.

1. Apologies for Absence
Councillors David Key and Colin Brown

2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
None were declared.

3. Minutes
Cllr Horner asked if everyone was happy for the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 10th January could be signed as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held and everyone agreed.

4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
Cllr Iain Chubb reported that EDDC is quiet this time of year and reported that Covid cases are coming down with restrictions lifted. There are various pots of funding available, one of £500 for voluntary groups and there are funds also available for the Parish Council in the locality budget up to £500 which can be towards part of a project. Cllr Chubb is planning to go round the roads in Yarcombe and marsh and making notes for Highways.

Cllr Horner discussed the Airband broadband offer which has been put back in Yarcombe from Autumn 23 to Summer 24 and Otterford back 2 years which he stated is a complete disaster as the funding for the scheme ruins out in 2024. Cllr Horner thanked Cllr Chubb in advance as he has advised he will get on our case with them.

Cllr Chubb advised there is to be a Political Boundary Review where Tiverton which is currently with Honiton will fall into North Devon and it is proposed Exeter / Topsham / Exmouth will have another seat.

b. District Councillor
No report was received, and Cllr Chubb advised there wasn’t a lot going on in the area at the moment.

c. Police
Cllr Long had spoken to Sgt Hutter who advised that should anyone have any concerns, then to get in contact.

d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
Cllr Horner advised the Trust is still waiting for the Lawyers from E Devon.

e. Reports from Individual Councillors
Cllr Little – advised the defibrillator is working OK and it shall need some new pads in March. It was agreed for these to be purchased and reimbursed on receipt of the invoice.
Cllr Barnes – Cllrs Barnes & Cllr Little will go around the roads and prepare a working sheet for presentation to highways. However, Cllr Horner pointed out that we have all seen the email from highways stating there are no more funds left. The report will still be put together with a view to presenting it to Cllr Chubb for some assistance.
Cllr Chubb has agreed that roads have monies spent on them that we don’t see as priority roads. Cllr Ford advised that although a fantastic job has been done in Moorhayne Lane, they had not spent the money in the correct place re the cementing of the side of the road to protect it from the size of the tractors that come up it.
Matthew Tompkinson stated the bottom of the Stopgate lane is already cracking and there is no sealant between the old and new tarmac, so it is likely to open up and let water in.
Cllr Vining – advised Cllr Ford is applying for funding for some more P3 monies.
Cllr Ford – stated there have ben a lot of walkers walking the paths and 5 or 6 matters need addressing on the paths. Cllr Horner added Ros at P3 is really good at reviewing and responding to emails.

9. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence

Councillor Vacancy – Following interest form several members of the Parish (5), only two completed the formalities to declare themselves eligible by the 31st of January. The two applicants who have successfully joined the Parish Council are Matthew Tomkinson and Katie Thompson. Clerk is to email both to formalise, and we all look forward to welcoming them both to our next meeting.

Speed through Village – It was agreed this is a significant issue and Cllr Horner stated very worrying to have reports from Parishioners over roads safety. Cllr Horner said firstly, what can we do as a Parish about it? The clerk has produced some ideas and details of what we have tried to get done before but it all costs money which we do not have, until we have some funds available for speed awareness. Cllr Horner welcomed views form all the Councillors as to what we could do if funds were available. Cllr Long stated he thought it was a Devon CC or Police matter and that we need to be making our representations to the appropriate body. Cllr Horner advised that with the CIL money and the locality budget, extra warning signs could be an option but thinks this will be a Highways matter. Cllr Vining stated people have a duty of care to look after themselves and to cross at a safe place, not on a bend. Cllr Long added that by the Parish Council taking on responsibility for it, this could be dangerous too. Cllr Horner advised we shall see if enough monies can be raised for a speed awareness.
Cllr Long thought a “gateway” to the village may remind people to slow down. This can be seen as a wide gate or wall with the Yarcombe sign on it.
The other issue is who is responsible for the road, Devon County Council or Highways England. It was decided we ought to write to our MP, Neil Parris.

Queens Jubilee – Lesley is in discussions with various organisations in the village and hopes also to involve the pub. It would also be great if something were organised by one of the organisations for the children. Cllr Horner advised there have been Beacons in the village before and David Meyrick has offered a field near Linhay.

Drainage works past the village hall (culvert on the right) – there is a road closure notification which confirms this is shortly to be repaired.

Planters on the Layby – it was decided they look a bit too industrial, and we shall look to replace them with ones which look “softer” look in the Spring.

Crawley Farm traffic lights – Crawley Farm does not lay in our Parish. We are aware this is planned for repair in Summer this year. Cllr Horner will send a definitive Parish Boundary map to all the Councillors

10. Open Session for Public Participation
There were no issues raised.

11. Finance

The payments below were ratified:

Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
31.01.21 Netwise Website Hosting, Support, Maintenance 360.00
31.01.21 Netwise Web domain – 18.00
31.01.21 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages 239.20
31.01.21 HMRC PAYE 59.80
31.01.22 Blackdown Hills Parish Network Renewal of Membership 97.50
31.01.22 Phil Holness Footpath 19 repair 110.00

We have emailed the team at CIL / S.106 but still not received a response, Clerk to chase.

Another signatory is required on the Unity Trust mandate ,and this has been postponed to the next meeting

12. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Cllr Long asked if all the Councillors were happy with what was listed on the agenda which everyone was. Cllr Horner advised there is an on-going issue with tipping at Watchford Farm and EDDC have advised the permission to dump waste there expired 3 years ago but there is still waste going in.

Cllr Horner called the meeting to a close at 9pm

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 7th March at 8pm.