Minutes of the Yarcombe Parish Council
Annual General Meeting
Held at 7.30pm Monday 21ST May 2018
in the Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe
Councillors N Randle (Chairman), L Pidgeon, D Barnes, T Long, S Horner, T Wiggins, N. Randle, S Parris, M Tomkinson, C Stone, S-J Martin (Clerk)
1. Apologies
• Cllr S Horner.
2. Minutes
• The Chair asked if everyone was happy with the Minutes as being a true and accurate record of the 2017 Annual General Meeting. Everyone agreed, and The Minutes were signed as being received and a correct record.
3. Election of Officers for 2018:
a) Chairman:
• The Chair, N Randle asked if there were any candidates who wished to stand as Chairman for the next year. No-one came forward and Cllr Tomkinson asked if there was a chance our existing Chair could stand for a further year. Cllr Randle confirmed he would be happy to stand which was followed by a proposal from Cllr Wiggins and Cllr Tomkinson seconded the proposal.
• Cllr Randle accepted the position and thanked everyone for their support.
• There were no other nominations.
b) Vice-Chairman:
• Cllr Randle nominated Cllr Pidgeon as Vice-Chair which was seconded by Cllr Stone.
• There were no other nominations.
4. Declaration of Acceptance of Office
• This was not required as Cllr Randle was continuing his position as Chair.
5. Councillors Specific Responsibilities
The Chair asked if everyone was happy to continue in their existing roles and it was resolved that the following members will represent the Council as defined below:
a) Marsh – Susan Parris
b) Planning – Tony Long
c) Highway Matters – David Barnes
d) Road Safety & Policing – Tony Wiggins
e) Blackdown Hills & Conservation – Steve Horner was nominated in his absence and is to be confirmed.
f) Jubilee Hall Committee – Lesley Pidgeon
g) Charity Trustees – David Barnes, Nick Randle, Maggie Tomkinson
h) Parish Paths – Maggie Tomkinson
6. AOB
a) Selection of the membership of the Yarcombe Inn Sub Committee
• Cllr Horner has stood down which leaves just 4 Councillors on the Committee which is no longer a majority. Cllr Randle asked if there were any other Councillors that could join the Committee and advised that if there were no interested parties, then decisions will have to come back to the full Council. This is due to the Chair being uncomfortable with chairing a Yarcombe Inn Sub Committee meeting without the Parish Council holding a majority.
• Cllr Tomkinson suggested a Cllr could be drafted in who is available for a meeting on the night. Cllr Pidgeon suggested we keep the position open in case someone may come forward before the next meeting.
• Cllr Randle advised that that if there were confidential items to be discussed at a Parish Council meeting it would have to be in Part B.
• It was agreed to defer the decision, but Cllr Randle proposed we bring the decision making back into the Council.
b) The following payments were noted as due and Cllr Randle asked if we were all happy to pay the following:
Date Payee Details Chq Nr £
08.05.18 Sarah-Jane Martin April Salary 000584 223.41
08.05.17 HMRC April PAYE 000585 55.80
31.05.18 Sarah-Jane Martin May Salary 000586 223.41
31.05.18 HMRC May PAYE 000587 55.80
21.05.18 Community First Insurance Insurance 000589 £184.19
20.05.18 Sarah-Jane Martin Refreshments for Royal Wedding for Street Party 000588 £51.80
21.05.18 Sarah-Jane Martin John Salter Shield and Engraving 000590 £59.99
21.05.18 Yarcombe Village Hall Room rent for YPC Meetings 000592 120.00
• The above payments were agreed.
• It was also decided the empower the Clerk to spend up to £100.00 in between meetings as required.
c) Other Matters
• Cllr Pidgeon raised the issue of the layby and whether a Contractor could be contacted, and a quote obtained for a regular maintenance program for the grass.
Resolved: Clerk to email Nick Copp
• Cllr Tomkinson advised a new gate will be requited at Roger Parris’s.