
May 2022 AGM Minutes

2022 Minutes Uploaded on May 26, 2022

Minutes of the Yarcombe Parish Council

Annual General Meeting

       Meeting held in Jubilee Hall at 7.30pm, Monday 9th May 2022



Councillors S Horner (Chair), L Myhill, D Barnes, T Long, D Little, C Ford, S Vining, M Tomkinson, K Thomson, S-J Martin (Clerk) & D Frost (new clerk)


Members of the public present: Maggie Tomkinson


  1. Apologies

            No apologies received and no absences.


  1. Minutes

Cllr  Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that  the Minutes of the meeting held remotely on Tuesday 4th May 2021 could be signed as a correct record and everyone agreed.


  1. Election of Officers for 2022/23:
  2. a) Chairman

Cllr Steve Horner proposed M Tomkinson seconded D Barnes.


  1. b) Vice-Chairman

Cllr L Myhill proposed S Horner seconded M Tomkinson.


  1. Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the Chair

            This was signed by the chair.


  1. Councillors Specific Responsibilities

The Councillors had prior to the meeting decided and agreed their responsibilities for the following roles for the next 12 months:


  1. a) Marsh – David Barnes
  2. b) Planning                                                 – Tony Long
  3. c) Highway matters                                     – David Barnes
  4. d) Road safety & policing                         – David Little
  5. e) Blackdown Hills & Conservation             – Katie Thomson
  6. f) Jubilee Hall Committee                         – Matthew Tomkinson
  7. g) Longcroft Meadow Charity Trustees – David Barnes, Lesley Myhill, Steve Horner
  8. h) Parish Paths – Caroline Ford and Shaun Vining


David Little then resigned therefore the responsibility for Road safety and policing is unfilled.






  1. Finance:
  2. a) The payments below were ratified:


Date Payee Details of Payment         £
30.04.22 HMRC PAYE       60.80
30.04.22 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages 244.18
30.04.22 SLCC 608301 20314459 Membership Renewal 98.00
30.04.22 DALC 308467 68792768 Membership Renewal 122.11
30.04.22 Yarcombe Voices Publishing YPC Items to Community     100.00
30.04.22 Sandra Bristol Internal Audit     120.00



  1. Declaration of Acceptance of Office


These were signed by Katie Thomson & Matthew Tomkinson as new councilors.

They had been delayed due to covid.

Lesley Myhill also signed one due to change of name from Lesley Pigeon.


  1. AOB


Maggie Tomkinson treasurer of Yarcombe Voice advised that the finances were ok at present to produce 6 copies a year.  Currently no subscription is being charged and they are relying on donations.  She will advise the parish council if there are any changes to the financial situation and additional funding is required.


Longcroft Meadow Charity currently only has 3 trustees from the parish council registered

with the charity commission.  The 2 church wardens are also trustees and they will need to be registered with the charity commission along with a third who is normally the vicar.


The meeting then closed at 7.50.