Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
Yarcombe Parish Council Remote Clerks Report 1st November – 31st December 2021
Clerk Correspondence received and on-going issues during November and December, relating to relevant issues for Yarcombe Parish Council:
• Planters on the layby
Helen Matthews has provided an update as follows “My mum and I painted the wooden planters and reconditioned the soil in wooden ones by adding some new soil and fertiliser. We have kept any bulbs already in there and added loads of new ones for a good spring display. We have added a few Autumn/Winter bedding plants and generally had a tidy up of the concrete planters. We have some cuttings coming along nicely to add next year for all round colour. Hope it all looks ok for now. Total cost is £32.44. Just a note for the future – one of the concrete planters is cracked and I feel it will probably collapse in the next year or two with a hard frost. I will keep an eye on it.”
• DALC has cascaded – Last week, DEFRA announced that an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone has been declared across the whole of Great Britain to mitigate the risk of the disease spreading amongst poultry and captive birds. It is now a legal requirement for all bird keepers to follow strict biosecurity measures to protect their flocks and backyard owners must also take steps to limit the risk of the disease spreading to their animals. Councils are encouraged to share this information with their communities.
• Report received from Thelma Clarke that the grit bin on the Taunton road appears to have been damaged by Hedge-cutting contractors. Clerk has reported it on the EDDC app –
Thelma has also reported grit bin 3076 at Panshayne Farm needs topping up which Clerk has also reported on the pothole app
• Cllr Stone reported to EDDC Highways “Thanks for the work in Moorhayne lane last week. Since then very heavy rain has seen water flowing down the watercourse opposite Lower Moorhayne Lane and without overflowing the bank onto the lane. It did however remove the remaining tarmac from the pothole just up from Winnowing Knap on the road from A30 to Stopgate which l have reported on the Pothole App as a dangerous pothole , which has the potential to ruin tyres and wheels in the next month before the resurfacing work. This pothole has since been repaired
• Notification received from Kennford Tarmacadum that in the area of Dennington Lane to Knackershole, Churchinford, “We will be carrying out essential highway maintenance works on behalf of Devon County Council on the 22 November for 4x Days. To enable us to carry out these works safely a road closure and signed diversion will be in operation. Work will be undertaken between the hours of 07.30 – 18.00hrs. Pre-Start Warning Boards and a letter drop will be carried out prior to work commencing. Please be aware that this date may need to change with little or no notice.
• Email received from Honiton Police as follows:
I have recently had a meeting with Devon County Council highway neighbourhood team to discuss speeding. The reason for this was following complaints/reports about speeding vehicles through our villages. I asked about Vehicle Activation Signs (VAS) and how we get them. I have been asked to pass onto to you the following – Please direct residents to the parish/town council who will email DCC raising the issues and requests. They have several VAS which they need to discuss with the parish – with a request they will need location, issues etc. I have recently spoken to a few local residents about a certain VAS which flashes up the speed of the vehicle passing. This then shows a smiley face and a thank you if you drive under or correct speed and a sad face if over. I found this very impactive. After speaking with DCC they explained that this type of VAS has caused them issues after certain drivers have been driving past at speed to see what speed they can get them to flash up at. They tend to use the one which flashes up SLOW DOWN and the Speed limit.
Please also email me with any concerns as I might be able to arrange to come out with our Speed Indication Device. I can also look at the possibility of community speed watch. This will then be passed on to our community speed watch team to review.
Neighbourhood Team
We have 2 new Neighbourhood beat managers starting at Honiton. They are PC TRUDGEON and PC MINGO. We also have PC RUSE with us who is new in service and currently on a 3 month attachment with the neighbourhood team. When he returns to his section we are getting another officer for 3 months.
PC MINGO is a police tutor and has a PC WHITE working alongside him.
We have lots of plans around Rural Crime and Engagement next year. I am also in talks with a company about getting another engagement vehicle for next year (tractor).
Sarah-Jane Martin
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date 30th December 2021