
Agenda May 2019 Annual General Meeting

2019 Agendas Uploaded on March 6, 2021

Yarcombe Parish Council
Annual General Meeting
To be held at 7.30pm
Monday 20th May 2019
in the Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe

Councillors C Stone, L Pidgeon, D Barnes, T Long, S Horner, D Little, C Ford, S Vinning, C Vinning, S-J Martin (Clerk)

1. Apologies

2. Minutes
To sign the Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting as being received and a correct record.

3. Election of Officers for 2019:
a) Chairman
b) Vice-Chairman

4. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance by the Chairman

5. Councillors Specific Responsibilities

To discuss members required to represent the Council as defined below, to be decided at the June meeting:
a) Marsh
b) Planning
c) Highway matters
d) Road safety & policing
e) Blackdown Hills & Conservation
f) Jubilee Hall Committee
g) Longcroft Meadow Charity Trustees – 2 Vacancies
h) Parish Paths

6 Any other business:
a) Payments due:

Date Payee Details of Payment Chq Nr / Online £
21.05.19 Yarcombe Village Hall Use of Village Hall 21.05.18 to 20.05.19 Online 140.00
21.05.19 Sarah-Jane Martin April salary Online 233.52
21.05.19 HMRC PAYE Online 58.20
21.05.19 Andy Podbury Works at Rosshayne Mead Online 780.00
21.05.19 Community First Insurance Insurance Policy, Expires 31.05.19 Online 180.58