
Agenda for Remote APM May 2021

2021 AgendasAgendas Uploaded on July 2, 2021


Due to unprecedented times, the Annual Parish Meeting is deferred until the Governments instructions to us all are relaxed. We shall though be putting together a mini overview as follows, which will be published in May.

1. Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2020
These will be signed remotely outside of the meeting
2. Planning Report
3. Roads Report
4. Parish Paths Report
5. Yarcombe Community Land Trust Report
6. Charity Report
7. Incoming Chair
An AGM will be held remotely in 2021 and all Councillor roles will be carried forward to 2022 as agreed by all Councillors at the remote Parish Council meeting in April.
8. Residents Forum and Open Discussion
We look forward to welcoming you at our next public meeting but in the meantime, should you have any important or urgent Parish matters to raise at this time, please contact your Parish Clerk at
9. Announcement of the Nominees & Winner of the John Salter Award

To Yarcombe & Marsh Residents:

Please do come along to our next face to face meeting which will be announced as soon as we know. We would like to hear any matter affecting the Parish which you feel, our Councillors should consider.

We encourage you to Have Your Say and discuss or ask questions, on any aspect of life in Yarcombe or Marsh.