YPC Agenda for 1st November 2021
Yarcombe Parish Council Agenda
Chairman: Cllr Clive Stone
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Clive Stone, (Chairman), Steve Horner (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Tony Long, David Little, Shaun Vining, Caroline Ford, Lesley Pidgeon
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in the Jubilee Village Hall on Monday 1st November 2021 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Covid statement
We shall be following the Village Halls Conditions of Hire surrounding Covid 19 for everyone’s safety during our meeting:
Please do not enter the meeting should you have recently been abroad, been in recent contact with anyone with Covid or feel any Covid symptoms. Please sanitise hands on entry and exit, adhere to Social Distancing, and we shall ensure the Hall is ventilated for the duration of the hire period.
The recording of this meeting is not permitted by either audio or visual without prior consent of the Council.
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Vining resigned during October.
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
disclosures of pecuniary
3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th October 2021.
4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
We received a report during the evening or our October Parish Council meeting, as follows:
“There are lots of changes going on within our team at Honiton. Sgt Hutter would like me to make contact with all Parish Councils within rural Honiton. He would like to know what they would like from us regarding contact and reports and for our contact to be on a positive note not just a few crime figures. Once I have all the replies I will discuss with Sgt Hutter (neighbourhood Sgt) and we will work out what and how we can get a report out. This could be monthly or quarterly or every six months. I am also currently looking at the possibility of having a police volunteer joining me. This would be very helpful with parish reports and connectivity.”
Do the Councillors have any feedback on reports we would like?
Crime report :-
Recorded crimes this year from 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2021 = 10 Crimes. For the same period 2020 = 10 Crimes
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
5. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence
• Potholes on the road between Knapp Farm and Middle Stout Farm near to Williambear Farm EX14 9PB. Works commenced in this area week commencing 11th October and it is estimated there will approximately 10 visits required to complete the works, with good weather.
• Small DCC footpath signs x 13 have arrived and can be nailed to gates / styles.
• We received notification that the culvert and collapsed edge of road near Drakes Meadow has been repaired w/c 25th October.
• Fencing on A30 near Taunton turn one more section leaning over
• Are all our grit bins in a good state ready for winter?
6. Open Session for Public Participation
7. Finance
a. Summary of Financial position:
Bank account balances as at 23.10.21
Lloyds £443.28
Unity Trust C/A & Instant Access £13,080.74 £13,524.02
Forecast Cash Book Balance at 31.10.21 after below payments £12,895.02
Less Ringfenced:
1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure £1,054.87
2. Money allocated for Highways / Village Maintenance -£168.70
3. Election Costs £600.00
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Illustrated History of The Yarcombe Inn
CIL Monies received re Linhay £978.13
Remainder of Balance after above Ringfenced monies £9,874.03
b. To ratify payments as follows:
Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
31.10.21 S J Martin Wages £239.20
31.10.21 HMRC PAYE £59.80
31.10.21 Phil Holness Highways/Layby Maintenance £210 & Footpaths £120 £330.00
• 22-Oct-21 – £978.13 CIL receipt received from EDDC for planning application 18/0718/FUL, being Land at ‘The Linhay’.
• Allocate more funds to Highways budget – £500?
8. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Cllr Long advised that during this time, site meetings have been held with a skeleton of Parish Council members, where he felt necessary and consequently hasn’t been inviting all the Parish Councillors to all the applications, due the present circumstances.
Erection of a roof canopy over an existing slurry store – Lower Pithayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AB
Ref. No: 21/1003/FUL Status: Pending Decision
West chimney stack: remove 14 courses of bricks down to the ridge line and rebuild using matching replacement bricks and lime mortar. Install chimney pot with multi-fuel chimney cap; install lead flashings to all elevations of chimney and install flue lining. East Chimney Stack: remove mortar fillet and install lead flashings to all elevations and replace flue lining. Remove fireplace from office and sitting room and open-up original fireplace and install wood burning stoves. – Stout Mill Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 21/2402/LBC Status: Pending Consideration
Conversion of existing greenhouses to 2 x self-contained holiday accommodation units and erection of free-standing solar array. – The Garden House Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AE
Ref. No: 21/1334/FUL Status: Pending Decision
Demolition of existing outbuildings and construction of new garage with workshop above – Crisland Cottage Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AB
Ref. No: 21/2758/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Roof alterations and internal alterations – Moxhayes Cottage Yarcombe EX14 9BB
Ref. No: 21/2703/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Roof alterations and internal alterations – Moxhayes Cottage Yarcombe EX14 9BB
Ref. No: 21/2704/LBC Status: Pending Consideration
Retention of a cement silo, water silo, site office and additional concrete area. – Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB
Ref. No: 21/0876/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Adjacent Parishes:
The next meeting currently remains unscheduled, and an announcement will be made when the next meeting will be.