Chairman: Cllr Clive Stone
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Clive Stone, (Chairman), Steve Horner (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Tony Long, David Little, Shaun Vining, Caroline Ford, Charlotte Vining and Cllr Ian Chubb
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 3rd February 2020 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk, 28th December 2019
The recording of this meeting is not permitted by either audio or visual without prior consent of the Council.
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllrs S Horner, C Vining, D Key
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
disclosures of pecuniary
3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 6th January 2020.
4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
5. Parish Council Priorities
o Update on a Defibrillator in Marsh.
As at January meeting – Sandra Newton was in attendance and reported that including the £1,000.00 from the Locality Budget, £1308.10 has been raised.
Sandra has also emailed Paul Haywood for more information and is awaiting a response.
Cllr Chubb advised Sandra to contact Jaimie Buckley (Engagement and Funding Officer) to see if there are any funds left which may be available for this purpose.
25.01.20 Clerk emailed I Chubb to advise Locality Budget of £1,000 not yet received,
o Yarcombe Defibrillator
Following an email from the Village Hall stating they are not responsible for the insurance, we immediately added it to our policy at no additional cost.
Cllr Stone reported to Helen Paris that electricians are urgently needed to establish and remedy:
1 is the electric supply covered by an RCD
2 the broken plug needs replacing
Cllr Little can then sort out the pads and battery
o Larger planter
The Parish Council decided to leave it as it is as there has been no further issues.
o Update on Streetscene grass cutting
Cllr Stone is liaising
o Landmark Trees
50 trees are being given away through a contract between Devon County Council and Perrie Hale Nursery near Honiton and we have successfully secured receiving 1 – originally 2 were offered but they have received an overwhelming response. We will receive a Voucher and then shall be able to go and collect it after giving the Nursery at least 2 days notice. The tree must be planted within 2 weeks of collection but no later than 17th March
o Highways
o Damaged fence due to accident
Clerk emailed the Collisions Unit following advice from Rob, the PC in attendance at the January meeting. Response received that a formal request has to be applied for at £130.00 for a full report or £35.20 for limited particulars which includes the name, address and vehicle details. The form may only be used by someone personally involved so Clerk has written back.
Highways will repair the fence, but it is not high up on their list of priorities – if we can get some insurance details for them to claim against, they shall be able to repair it quicker.
25.01.20 Further to above – another form has been received for completion at the meeting
o Additional Items
• Review of Standing Orders
Clerk to forward copy of Current Standing Orders to all Councillors.
Cllr Horner has reviewed and states in response to:
1. Refer a planning application received by the Council to the Planning representative within 2 working days of receipt to facilitate an extraordinary meeting if the nature of a planning application requires consideration before the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
Given the short period within which we have to respond to planning applications I recall recently we passed a resolution permitting a subcommittee called by the Planning representative to comment on applications
2. 8. Power of well-being
Before exercising the power to promote well-being, a meeting of the full Council shall have passed a resolution to confirm it has satisfied the prescribed statutory criteria required to qualify as an eligible parish council
As an aside I do not understand the term Well-Being and the interpretation of Article 8, The Power of Well-being
6. Open Session for Public Participation
7. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
b. To approve payments in line with the schedule in the Clerks Report.
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required
• First Aid Course Saturday 21st March
• Would the Parish Council support the purchase of lunch (sandwiches, crisps, cake, drinks) for those participating in the First Aid Course?
• Retrospective approval sought to add the Village Hall Defibrillator to the PC Insurance – added the defibrillator to the policy under Part C all risks, with the updated policy schedule. This cover has been added at no extra cost for the remainder of the current year.
• Further form received to complete to obtain information about the incident which damaged the post and rail fence – no guarantee to receive insurance details. Decision on which option on the form we complete and pay for
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Construction of roof over existing silage store. – Newcott Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9ND
Ref. No: 19/2845/AGR – Status: Pending Consideration
Removal of single tin garage; alteration to walls and construction of steps – Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE
Ref. No: 19/2712/LBC – Status: Pending Consideration
External works to include: veranda reinforcement brackets and repair, fixing alarm signage, insulation of pipework, replacement woodstore door, re-route rainwater goods, remove cement pointing and repoint in a lime based mortar and repair and replacement of timber barge boards – Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE
Ref. No: 19/2668/LBC – Status: Approval with conditions
10. To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 2nd March at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe
Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
Yarcombe Parish Council Meeting Monday 3rd February 2020
Item 6 – Finance – Update on current Financial Situation:
Bank account balances as at 25.01.2020:
Lloyds £443.28
Unity Trust C/A £1,026.14
Unity Trust Instant Access £9,092.94 10,562.36
Cash Book Balance at 27.12.19 (Bank, less pending payments below). 9,643.14
Less Ringfenced: 1,981.17
1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure – £1,499.87
2. Money allocated for Highways / Village Maintenance- £481.30
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – remining funds split to projects, or awaiting instructions: 936.96
• Illustrated History of The Yarcombe Inn 556.69
• Village Hall – £643.76 paid across 07.01.20 10.00
• Awaiting instructions – 12 people (emailed 3 times) 277.79
• Difference for allocation in Crowdfunder receipts 92.48
(Total paid back £11,602.84)
Sub Total C/F to remainder of Yr Budget, Grants/Events & Projects Budgets 6,725.01
6b – Payments to be approved and made in line with the following schedule:
Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
04.02.20 HMRC PAYE 58.40
04.02.20 Sarah-Jane Martin Wages 233.32
04.02.20 Yarcombe Voices Annual costs 100.00
04.02.20 Yarcombe Voices S.137 Grant 100.00
04.02.20 Yarcombe Flower Show S.137 Grant 100.00
04.02.20 Yarcombe Jubilee Hall S.137 Grant 100.00
04.02.20 Yarcombe Children’s Fund S.137 Grant 100.00
04.02.20 Parish Magazine Printing 300 copies 127.50
Item 8. Clerk Correspondence
• Email received from Jamie Buckley, Community Engagement and Funding Officer concerning a Consultation for everyone to have their say on the EDDC Services. This will enable them to achieve a shared understanding of the services which the council has to provide even though the Government is no longer funding them. It is also about protecting as best they can other services which people care most about. The council wants your help to make these choices, so we’re asking for your views to help inform decision making by the council. The link is www.eastdevon.gov.uk/community-engagement/careful-choices
• We have a detailed report from Phil Holness the parish handyman that there are several matters that need to be worked on to keep Footpath 3 in good order. A letter has been drafted for the Clerk to send to the tenant who is required to ensure his electric fence complies with the law
• Email received from Blackdown Hills Transition Group concerning THE NATIONAL “BIG FIX” EVENT
On Saturday, 15th February when (as of the time of writing) around 60 of Repair Cafes all over the country (from Blackdown Hills to Belfast, Dover to Glasgow) are taking part in The National “Big Fix”. The event is the inspiration of Catherine Causley, Waste and Recycling Officer at Devon County Council who, following the success of her Devon-wide “Big Fix” in February 2019 (in which Blackdown Hills volunteers played a key part in achieving a record 268 repairs in one day), decided to extend the invitation across the country. This is likely to be the first, and biggest, event of its kind where a County Council takes the lead on a national scale. planning a day-long event, from 10am – 4pm, at Hemyock Parish Hall. The BHRC has, as its many stalwart supporters already know, consistently been hitting a 73% repair rate over its two-year history and we hope to exceed this in February!
• Email received from Mark Hopwood, the new Managing Director at South Western Railway. I know it’s been a very tough couple of years for everyone who uses South Western Railway. I would like to tell you about our plans to make improvements that you will see and feel in the coming days and weeks, as well as in the longer term.
I also know that the recent strikes have had a very significant impact on our passengers and employees and I am determined to find a resolution.
With over 30 years’ experience of managing rail businesses and delivering improvements for passengers, I am confident that our plans can make a noticeable difference quickly and we’ll be taking action as soon as possible.
Some of our other goals will take a little longer, but we will make progress on all of these with the same aim in mind – to improve customer service for passengers.
Firstly though, I’d like to say this: I’m sorry that our service has not been good enough in recent times. It’s my mission to change that.
Secondly, to achieve that mission, we will relentlessly focus on changes that can make an immediate difference to the number of trains running on time.
Thirdly, that means we need to make changes. In addition to me joining the business, we have brought together several key departments under our Chief Operating Officer Mike Houghton.
• Thank you email sent to Highways for all their works in our area and also mentioned “Rag lane (Moorhayne lane to A30) could also benefit with a sweep – there has been localised flooding recently and l know some dog walkers have kindly cleared a couple of gratings” but response received “ Unfortunately all my budget is now spent (I’m actually trying to source some more for another large job I’ve got sitting/waiting to go) so I’m not going to be able to get it done this year (this section was only done last year with the ditching). I will keep it on my list as things change all the time I here, especially where budgets are concerned.”
• Clerk reported a large fallen tree on the A30 just across the Devon border into Somerset past Duffields. Response received” This has been passed to the area superintendent who will assess it for safety and arrange for any remedial action if this is required.”
• Thank you email received from Miranda Gudenian at the Voices in relation to the costs of our entries in the Voices being paid for “This is so wonderful and such a help to Yarcombe Voices. Please convey my gratitude to the Chairman and members of the Parish Council and tell them I greatly appreciate and value their support for Yarcombe’s village magazine.”
Sarah-Jane Martin
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date 25th January 2020