Chairman: Cllr Clive Stone
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Clive Stone, (Chairman), Steve Horner (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Tony Long, David Little, Shaun Vining, Caroline Ford, Charlotte Vining, Lesley Pidgeon and Cllr Ian Chubb
All members of the Council would have been summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council which was to have been held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 6th April 2020 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
This meeting has been cancelled in accordance with Government instructions re public meetings due to the coronavirus situation
Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk, 28th March 2020
The agenda would have been as follows and this is now carried forward to a time when normal meetings will be resumed. In the mean-time urgent and important matters will be discussed by Councillors via e mail and decisions and actions recorded by the Parish Clerk
The recording of this meeting is not permitted by either audio or visual without prior consent of the Council.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
disclosures of pecuniary
3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd March 2020.
4. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
Email received from Cllr Chubb as follows “I have taken the decision to not attend any meetings until this virus has ended, to be cautious and not put at risk myself or constituents who I represent. I attach a DCC pdf about Corona virus and I would suggest keeping a close eye on the DCC website for updates and useful links.
https://www.devon.gov.uk/document/coronavirus-advice-in-devon/ Also Public Health England is worth referring to for advice. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england
Please do contact me if you need advice but I will probably refer you to the above websites if it is regarding the Corona virus. Any other DCC issues please do contact me.
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
5. Parish Council Priorities
o Update on a Defibrillator in Marsh.
o Yarcombe Defibrillator
Cllr Little is obtaining a quote for the pads and battery now the power has been restored
o Planters
Update on how the planters look – do they need topping up?
o Update on Streetscene grass cutting
Cllr Stone is liaising
o Landmark Tree
Diarise to May To see if it still looks OK
o John Salter Award Nominations and decision on winner
o Accessibility Statement on Website – awaiting response to email but a statement has been drafted for consideration and circulation /comment
o Highways
o Damaged fence due to accident
o Email received form David at Highways concerning his response to our email about the fence on the A30 which has now fallen over – he responded “This was mentioned by our Asset last week as there also re-surfacing planned along the A30. I’m just waiting to hear back as the fence may also be incorporated at the same time.”
o Additional Items
• Review of Standing Orders
In progress
6. Open Session for Public Participation
7. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
b. To approve payments in line with the schedule in the Clerks Report.
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required
• Roger Parris has enquired about the possibility of a streetlight being placed near Brian Smiths house as it is exceptionally dark. He also asked who was responsible for the village footpaths so if he hasn’t been in contact with wither Shaun or Caroline, perhaps we can contact him.
• We need to ensure we lock the Village Hall up after our meetings using the spare key which is hanging up next to the noticeboard on the right as we leave the entrance.
• Do we wish to renew the BHPN subscriptions and if so, how much – they suggest 20-25p per parish electoral role member which would be £84.40 – 105.50. Last year we paid £95.85 ( £0.23)
• Cllr Horner has proposed we initiate the creation of a brass plaque to commemorate the planting of the Landmark Tree and the start of our VE Day Commemorations.
• Email received from Cllr Barry Parsons at the digital communications team at East Devon concerning the requirement for Parish Councils to have a website with an accessibility statement which should include our plan and schedule for how we will make our site accessible. Clerk replied, asking if it is sufficient, to use the page on the Yarcombe.net site and place an accessibility statement on there.
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.
Erection of pergola, construction of rear wall and wall to footpath, alteration to walls and fencing, steps to rear garden and construction of timber car port – Middle Moorhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BE
Ref. No: 19/2711/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Ceiling joist above dining room: replace finished battens and packer with new scribed softwood furring’s. Ceiling joists above bedroom 5: strengthen undersized oak joists with a softwood ceiling binder spanning between the western chimney structure and the first-floor timber frame wall (all within loft void). Tractor Shed/Wagon House: addition of a 12 mm galvanised mild steel rod/tie, secured to each gable truss. Tractor Shed/Wagon House: replace collar beam – Gilletts Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AZ
Ref. No: 20/0162/LBC – Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application
Erection of an agricultural worker’s dwelling, veranda and associated hardstanding’s – Land To The West Of Higher Hares Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AZ
Ref. No: 20/0258/FUL Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application
Erection of roof of existing silage store 1. – Newcott Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9ND
Ref. No: 19/2844/FUL | Received date: Tue 24 Dec 2019 | Status: Approval – standard time limit | Case Type: Planning Application
Construction of garden shed on concrete base and entrance gate. – The Threshing Barn Watchford Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 20/0510/FUL Status: Pending Consideration
Erection of a roof over an existing silage clamp A – Middle Stout Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 20/0085/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Erection of a roof over existing silage clamp B – Middle Stout Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 20/0086/FUL Status: Approval with conditions
Construction of roof over an existing slurry lagoon – Middle Stout Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 20/0087/FUL Status: Approval with conditions | Case Type: Planning Application
10. May 2020 meetings
The Annual General Meeting & Annual Parish Meeting were to have been held on 11th May 2020 in the Jubilee Hall in Yarcombe. Both these meetings have been cancelled until the Government advises otherwise.
Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
April 2020 Yarcombe Parish Council Remote Clerks Report due to COVID-19
Finance – Update on current Financial Situation:
50% of the Precept, £3,032.50 has been received
Bank account balances as at 30/04/2020:
Lloyds £443.28 Unity Trust C/A & Instant Access £11,454.70 |
11,897.98 |
Cash Book Balance at 30/04/2020 (Bank, less pending payments). | 11,897.98 |
Less Ringfenced: | |
1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure | 1499.87 |
2. Money allocated for Highways / Village Maintenance | 481.31 |
3. Election Costs | 200.00 |
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Illustrated History of The Yarcombe Inn
556.69 |
Remainder of Balance after above Ringfenced monies | 9,160.11 |