
May 2022 AGM Agenda

2022 Agendas Uploaded on May 26, 2022

       Yarcombe Parish Council

Annual General Meeting Agenda

       Meeting to be held at 7.30pm, Monday 9th May 2022



Councillors S Horner, L Pidgeon, D Barnes, T Long, D Little, C Ford, S Vining, M Tomkinson, K Thomson, S-J Martin (Clerk)


  1. Apologies


  1. Minutes

To sign the Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting as being received and a correct record.


  1. Election of Officers for 2022/23:
  2. a) Chairman
  3. b) Vice-Chairman


  1. Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance by the Chairman


  1. Councillors Specific Responsibilities

The Councillors will decide and agree their responsibilities for the following roles for the next 12 months:

  1. a) Marsh
  2. b) Planning
  3. c) Highway matters
  4. d) Road safety & policing
  5. e) Blackdown Hills & Conservation
  6. f) Jubilee Hall Committee
  7. g) Longcroft Meadow Charity Trustees
  8. h) Parish Paths


  1. Finance:
  2. a) Payments to ratify:


Date Payee Details of Payment         £
30.04.22 HMRC PAYE       60.80
30.04.22 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages 244.18
30.04.22 SLCC 608301 20314459 Membership Renewal 98.00
30.04.22 DALC 308467 68792768 Membership Renewal 122.11
30.04.22 Yarcombe Voices Publishing YPC Items to Community     100.00
30.04.22 Sandra Bristol Internal Audit     120.00