Chairman: Cllr Nick Randle
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Nick Randle, (Chairman), Lesley Pidgeon (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Steve Horner, Tony Long, Sue Parris, Clive Stone, Maggie Tomkinson, Tony Wiggins, Cllrs Ian Chubb and Paul Diviani.
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 5th March 2018 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk, 27th February 2018
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
3. Minutes.
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 5th February 2018.
4. Open Session for Public Participation.
5. Parish Council Priorities
6. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
b. To approve payments in line with the schedule in the Clerks Report.
7. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• It was mentioned in the last meeting about the triangular piece of land opposite the pub and whether the Estate may not mind if we tidy up. Consider making contact.
• Further correspondence from the Blackdown Hills Repair Cafe concerning the first event at Hemyock Village Hall on Saturday, 24th March 2018, and it is hoped that some of our Parish Council members will be able to join them. Whilst the Repair Cafes might be taking place in Hemyock in the initial stages, they are designed to be of benefit to residents of all parishes in the Blackdown Hills and we could hold one in Yarcombe.
The Blackdown Hills Transition Group suggested they contact all the Parish Councils within the Blackdown Hills to see if we would be prepared to give a small donation to help with set up costs, which include venue hire, the cost of a banner, insurance, the buying of essential materials and equipment, printing and photocopying etc. All the specialist repairers and other helpers are volunteers and whilst it is hoped that people will make a donation for a successful repair, they would appreciate some help with their initial expenses.
• I have been asked to complete an online form concerning our snow warden and various other details and need to know the following:
Has our snow warden, Thelma received snow warden training and if not, can we organise?
Do we have 75% or more of our salt stock, in stock and if not, do we need more salt to be delivered?
(majority of parishes and towns have an allocation of 5 tonnes). Do we have a snow plan in place?
• Email received from Cllr Horner concerning patching on Brown Down Lane
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
Ref. No: 16/0414/FUL – Watchford Teton (Watchford Farm) Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Change of use and conversion of redundant barn and silo to create 2no. dwelling houses and construction of barn for garaging.
Status: Refusal
Ref. No: 17/2539/FUL Court Place Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BB
Proposed covered feed building 2 and associated earthworks
Status: Pending Decision
Ref. No: 17/2540/FUL Court Place Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BB
Proposed cubicle building for cattle and associated earthworks
Status: Pending Decision
Ref. No: 17/2541/FUL Court Place Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9BB
Proposed parlour, dairy and cattle handling area and associated earthworks
Status: Pending Decision
Ref. No: 18/0231/FUL Panshayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AE
Erection of an open sided agricultural building/yard cover
Status: Pending Consideration
Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application on the proviso that the applicant uses dark grey fibre cement roofing.
Ref. No: 18/0230/FUL South Waterhayne Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9AX
Demolition of an existing cubicle house and erection of a new cubicle house and covered yard
Status: Pending Consideration
Yarcombe Parish Council would support this application on the proviso that:
Roofing: being a dark grey fibre cement or green tin
Walls: where concrete panels are used, they need to be clad using green tin on outside with the tin level
being no higher than 1.0 m from ground level.
Multi species tree screening of an appropriate amount.
Lighting needs to be baffled to prevent any unnecessary light pollution.
As commented in our adopted Parish Plan and look to EDDC to ensure this is achieved prior to consent being given.
10. To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 9th April at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe
Part B Matters for decision
11. To discuss the Clerks Salary
Reason for consideration in Part B:
A. Clerk not required to be in attendance
Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
Yarcombe Parish Council Meeting Monday 5th March 2018
Item 6 – Finance – Update on current Financial Situation:
Bank account balance £23,493.22 as at 24.01.2018 £
Cash Book Balance at 29.01.18 (Bank £23,493.22 less unpresented cheque plus receipts paid in), as at 27.01.18 22,551.58
Less Ringfenced:
£1,000.00 for Highways to be decided on
Money allocated for P3 expenditure plus £1,000.00 for Highways merged
Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Net 13,485.73
Sub Total C/F to remainder of Yr Budget, Grants/Events & Projects Budgets
Yarcombe Inn Project Ring Fenced Donations and Expenses:
Date Donations Payee Donation £ Net Cost £
July–Aug 17 Total Cheques, Cash & 338.00
Sep-Nov 17 Total Crowdfunder 1 & 2 12,830.56
27.07.17 Y Inn Donation re banners and flyers 260.00
30.09.17 The Hive 83.33
31.08.17 From YPC 500.00
28.09.17 Wessex Re-investment Soc 500.00
24.10.17 Irvine Nott Valuers 850.00
11.11.17 Josie Miles refund re CF 2 90.00
28.11.17 Pub Hub x 2 events 1065.50
28.11.17 Donation 15.00
Totals £15,009.06 £1,523.33
Total £13,485.73
6b – Payments to be approved and made in line with the following schedule:
Date Payee Details of Payment Chq Nr £
28.02.18 Sarah-Jane Martin Salary 573 202.72
28.02.18 HMRC PAYE 574 50.60
Item 7. Reports
To provisionally receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
f. The Clerk
Item 8. Correspondence
8.b Further Correspondence as follows (for more details and copy emails please email the Clerk):
• Further email from BT Openreach requesting more location details re the telephone pole on the corner in the village – we await a further response / action.
• Email received from the Unity Trust Bank requesting copy statements and a copy of our standing orders on letterhead, duly sent recorded delivery. They have acknowledged receipt and are nearing completion of the account set up.
• Acknowledgement of the application for the Parishes Together monies applied for – £443.30
• Email received from Wessex Resolutions CIC, a not-for-profit organisation working in partnership with East Devon District Council who provide council subsidised loans to homeowners for essential home repairs, asking for us to circulate their details to help raise awareness of their services. Details passed to Five Alive and the Voices. Details also forwarded to Peter Tarrant to place on the website.
• Helen Selby (Highways) has replied to my email concerning the Stockland directional sign and apologised for the length of time it has taken to get this sorted. Has also advised “I have had a look today and confirm that I will raise an order to get this sign re fixed asap”.
• Email received form our new PCSO Darren England:
“…apologies for missing any crime reports/meetings for yourselves…The good news for me is that we now have a new PCSO working in the town, Rich Shelton which should now free me up to commit more to the rural community. I will always try and get a crime report to you all and when working I will also try and drop into the meetings. This is all very new to me having 14 parish councils to keep up with as I have spent 14yrs only having to do 1 a month in the town.
I will try and get out and about in the villages when I can….I would also like to know about any fetes, meetings etc… so I can look to moves some dates around.”
• Email received from Planning concerning The Membury Neighbourhood Plan which has been submitted to East Devon District Council and is now out to consultation. The submitted version can be found here: http://eastdevon.gov.uk/planning/neighbourhood-and-community-plans/neighbourhood-plans/neighbourhood-plans-being-produced-in-east-devon/membury/#article-content
All comments should be submitted by Friday 16th March.
• Email received from Ben Eardley, Energy Analysis
Regarding the opportunity for fully funded feasibility work to identify and develop renewable energy projects that reduce energy costs and generate revenue for the local community. The grant money enables community organisations, including Parish Councils, to reduce local energy bills and generate revenue for local good causes and projects.
We are an independent and impartial organisation who can provide these fully funded services to develop viable community energy projects. The aim is to identify and develop viable community owned projects for community benefit. This recycles energy spend in the local area, reduces energy costs and provides revenue for local good causes. We have delivered many such projects and we are happy to provide references should you wish.
Opportunities in and around Yarcombe may include roof mounted solar PV and hydropower. Being close to watercourses there may well be an opportunity for a hydro scheme that connects into a local energy user.
The aim would be to connect systems into local energy users to reduce energy costs/carbon emissions and generate revenue from energy sales that is recycled in the local community. In this way money that would otherwise be lost to national and international energy companies can be utilised locally for the benefit of the community.
For an example of how an established renewable energy scheme can benefit local communities you could look at Talybont-on-Usk community hydro: www.talybontenergy.co.uk
• Email received from Lisa Turner, AONB Planning Officer concerning our email about the extensions to agricultural buildings:
“You will have seen from a reply from Catherine Bass that the topic was raised at that evening’s parish network meeting. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend, but I understand that there are similar concerns from PCs across the area.
At the same time, I have a commitment in my work plan to provide some planning/landscape training to the parish network, and to complete a piece of work on design guidance for agricultural buildings. It is possible that this latter piece of work may be done together with the East Devon AONB and/or Quantock Hills AONB.
It should be for the parish council(s) to decide how best to proceed, but I wanted to let you know that I would be happy to support/be involved in something at a local level, but also for you to be aware that something will be progressing at a broader level too – for which your examples would prove helpful case studies!
Hopefully we can keep in touch on this, and I would be interested to hear of the responses from Stockland and Membury.”
• Emails sent to Helen Selby concerning the left-hand lane above Winnowing Knapp which requires filling in (Mary Smiths concerns in the February meeting)
Sarah-Jane Martin
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date 27.02.18