Chairman: Cllr Nick Randle
Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email: yarcombe.clerk@yahoo.com
To: Cllrs Nick Randle, (Chairman), Lesley Pidgeon (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Steve Horner, Tony Long, Sue Parris, Clive Stone, Maggie Tomkinson, Tony Wiggins, Cllrs Ian Chubb and Paul Diviani.
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 7th January 2019 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk, 3rd January 2019
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Paul Diviani
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.
3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 26th November 2018.
4. Parish Council Priorities
5.b Open Session for Public Participation
6. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
b. To approve payments in line with the schedule in the Clerks Report.
c. To agree the Precept application for 2019/2020. The budget has previously been sent to the Councillors for consideration.
7. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors
8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• Nick Randle supports the CLT Board request for a £1,036 (inc VAT) loan in order to progress the Ecology Survey (The CLT Board would be extremely grateful if the Parish Council would consider making a temporary loan to the CLT for the cost of this work, which is £1,036.00 including VAT, which is included in our approved HE Grant, on condition that we give an undertaking to repay this sum immediately on receipt of our grant monies. Nick states “Please could you let councillors at the meeting know that I support this proposal in order to avoid delay in moving the CLGT project forward. The CLT will give us guarantees of repayment and copies of their grant funding letter”.
• Cllr Stone to become an additional Signatory for the Unity Trust Bank. Form to be completed and signed by existing signatories.
• Email received from Brian and Josie Jones:
1. “My notice for Saturday markets is on it’s last legs, could a new one be made?”
2. Don’t know if it’s a parish matter or something for Thelma – the tree on the layby has blown down and might be recoverable if replanted quickly. – Asked Clive if Phil Holness could re-plant it
• Email received from David Ashford concerning the kerb stones at Stopgate – we have emphasised it is not the height of the kerbs but the way they protrude into the junction and his reply is ” Sorry, but I can only re-iterate my email of the 14th June following my inspection on the 13th June. We wouldn’t lower these and they seem to be in-line with the others in situe along the A303 and I personally didn’t think there was any issue.”
• Email reminder about Communities Together Funding if anyone has any ideas for a project.
9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:
To discuss formalities of a visit when having applied for planning permission
Watchford Teton Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ – Change of Use of land for the stationing of a residential mobile home (retrospective). No: 18/2380/FUL Status: Refusal
Watchford Teton Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ – Retention of building for storage of agricultural parts and spares
Ref. No: 18/2381/FUL. Status: Refusal
10. To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 4th February at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe
Part B
To resolve: that under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting:
• Discussion about The Yarcombe Inn