
Agenda & Clerks Report for April 2019 Meeting

2019 Agendas Uploaded on March 6, 2021


Chairman: Cllr Nick Randle

Clerk: Sarah-Jane Martin
The Belfry, Yarcombe, Honiton, Devon EX14 9BD
Tel: 01404 861234 Email:

To: Cllrs Nick Randle, (Chairman), Lesley Pidgeon (Vice Chairman), David Barnes, Steve Horner, Tony Long, Sue Parris, Clive Stone, Maggie Tomkinson, Tony Wiggins, Cllrs Ian Chubb and Paul Diviani.
All members of the Council are summoned to attend a meeting of Yarcombe Parish Council to be held in The Yarcombe Village Hall on Monday 1st April 2019 at 8pm for the transaction of business as set out below.
Members of the public and press are welcome to attend.
Signed: Sarah-Jane Martin, Clerk, 23rd March 2019


1. Apologies for Absence:
Cllr Tony Wiggins

2. Declarations of Interest
To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.

3. Minutes
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 4th February 2019.

4. Parish Council Priorities

5.b Open Session for Public Participation

6. Finance
a. To receive the Clerks report on the current Financial Position
b. To approve payments in line with the schedule in the Clerks Report.

7. Reports
To receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors

8. Clerk and Correspondence
Discussion / Decisions and Actions required:
• The Village Hall Committee has invited the Parish Council to nominate a representative to be an appointed member of the Hall Committee following the resignation from Lesley Pidgeon your current representative. The terms of our Scheme for administration as a charity approved by the Charity Commission, require the Hall Committee is formed of ‘elected and appointed’ members, and your organisation as a regular user of the Hall is entitled to nominate a representative to be an appointed member of the Hall Committee.
I request you consider this matter and let me know your nomination by the date of our Annual General Meeting, Monday 13th May.
• John Salter Award Nominations – schedule for decision
• Email received from David Colman, Senior Arboricultural Officer – They have been consulted by the Forestry Commission on a felling licence application:
o The application is to fell three areas of mature Douglas Fir on the hill side above and to the north of the A35 on an area known as Red Scrip Plantation. The total area to be felled is 1.37ha and the land is all to be restocked with Douglas Fir following the felling. The area of land is not subject to any statutory controls or protection and the proposal appears to be in accord with normal silvicultural forestry operations. If you have any comments or observations, please could you let me have them by the 4th April.
• Thank- you letter received from Saffron Doble “Soon I am hoping to raise enough money to get a dog bin and the service on it as in many if my pick-ups, me and my Mum find dog bags. I am hopefully going to do a sponsored litter pick up from Yarcombe to Stockland”. Consider – what we can do to stop people leaving their dog bags.
o YPC Notice in the Notice Board?

9. Planning
To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:

General purpose agricultural building – Emmetts Farm Beacon Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LU
Ref. No: 18/2687/FUL – Status: Withdrawn

Agricultural building for storage of dry fodder and straw (1) – Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB
Ref. No: 19/0231/FUL – Status: Approval with conditions

Agricultural chemical and machinery store – Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB
Ref. No: 19/0233/FUL – Status: Approval with conditions | Case Type: Planning Application

Agricultural building for storage of dry fodder and straw (2) – Stopgate Farm Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9NB
Ref. No: 19/0232/FUL – Status: Approval with conditions | Case Type: Planning Application

Retention of 2 no garden sheds – Watchford Grange Yarcombe Honiton EX14 9LZ
Ref. No: 19/0402/FUL – Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

10. To confirm the date of the next meeting being Monday 20th May at 8pm in The Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe


• Yarcombe Inn

Clerks Report and Supporting Information for the Agenda
Yarcombe Parish Council Meeting Monday 1st April 2019

Item 6 – Finance – Update on current Financial Situation:
Bank account balances as at 23.03.19:
Lloyds £443.28
Unity Trust C/A £2,022.51
Unity Trust Instant Access £20,000.00 £22,465.79
Cash Book Balance at 23.03.19 (Bank less unpresented cheque plus receipts paid in). £21,956.23
Less Ringfenced: £2,237.87
1. Money allocated for P3 expenditure – £1,499.87 less £800/£900 already allocated
2. £738.00 for Highways – (£1,000.00 3 payments to P Holness)

Yarcombe Inn Community Project – Net £13,485.73 plus £1,823.49 rec’d from YICP £15,309.22
Sub Total C/F to remainder of Yr Budget, Grants/Events & Projects Budgets £4,409.14

Yarcombe Inn Project Ring Fenced Donations and Expenses:
Summary of income and expenditure Donations Net Costs
£16,832.55 £1,523.33
Totals £15,309.22

6b – Payments to be approved and made in line with the following schedule:
Date Payee Details of Payment Chq Nr / Online £
02.04.19 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages Online 223.41
02.04.19 HMRC PAYE Online 55.80
02.04.19 Sarah-Jane Martin Exps – 12 payroll software payments, Stamps, Voucher, card and advertising Online 130.35
30.04.19 Soc of Local Council Clerks SLCC Membership Online 89.00
02.04.19 Nick Randle Chair Expenses Online 100.00

Item 7. Reports
To provisionally receive the following Reports
a. County Councillor
b. District Councillor
c. Police
d. Yarcombe Community Land Trust
e. Reports from Individual Councillors

Item 8. Clerk Correspondence
Further Correspondence as follows (for more details and copy emails please email the Clerk):
• Email received from Calor Rural Community Fund “Home energy provider, Calor, is offering deserving community projects the chance to win a total of 21 grants, with prize pots ranging from £1,000 to £5,000. Rural communities off the mains gas grid can now submit their projects for funding, with previous winners including playground and village hall refurbishments, instruments for music banks and equipment for sports clubs. Email forwarded to John Carter and Brian Smith to see if the Village Hall is interested.
• Notification and photos from Peter Schofield showing waste which has been dropped form the recycling lorries. An email has been sent to CSC East Devon, cc Iain Chubb.
• Later response to above concerns over waste collections “Thank you for your email and I can only apologise that you have had to get in touch with regards to littering from our vehicles
We are working hard with the contractors to try and improve this as we are aware some crews do drive through lanes with the compartment doors open on the vehicle, especially in rural areas such as Yarcombe.
We regularly provide the message to all crews, some of which will take more notice than others. What we are trying to do now is target individual crews/crew members to try and improve the littering issues encountered.”
• Yarcombe Jubilee Hall Committee invite the Parish Council to nominate a representative to be an appointed member of the Hall Committee following resignation from Lesley Pidgeon your current representative. The terms of our Scheme for administration as a charity approved by the Charity Commission, require the Hall Committee is formed of ‘elected and appointed’ members, and your organisation as a regular user of the Hall is entitled to nominate a representative to be an appointed member of the Hall Committee. I request you consider this matter and let me know your nomination by the date of our Annual General Meeting, Monday 13th May. Clerk advised this may be after our AGM.
• Thank-you letter received from Saffron Doble

Sarah-Jane Martin
Clerk, Yarcombe Parish Council
Date 23 March 2019