
June 2022 Minutes

2022 Minutes Uploaded on July 18, 2022



Meeting held in the Jubilee Hall, Monday 6th June 2022 at 8.00 pm


In Attendance:

Cllrs S Horner (Chair), L Myhill (Vice Chair), T Long, C Ford, D Barnes, S Vining, M Tomkinson &

D Frost (Clerk & RFO)

Cllr D Key


  1. Apologies for Absence

Councillor K Thomson


  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive disclosures of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in items on the agenda.

None were declared.


  1. Minutes

Councillor Horner asked if everyone was agreeable that the Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 4th April 2022 could be signed as a correct record the minutes of the meeting and everyone agreed.


  1. New Councillor Appointment

Councillor Horner would liaise with the clerk about advertising in evoices.  Also it has to be displayed on Yarcombe and March notice boards for a period of 28 days.


  1. Reports

To receive the following Reports

  1. County Councillor

No report received.

  1. District Councillor

Nothing to report.

  1. Police

No report received.

  1. Yarcombe Community Land Trust

Councillor Horner advised that the planning process has still come to a complete halt and no progress was being made.

  1. Jubilee Hall Committee

Councillor Tomkinson advised broadband will be installed in the village hall on Thursday 9th June by Gigaclear.

It will be placed in blue water pipe for protection.  The WIFI will not have a password and be supplied free of charge.  Gigaclear will review the usage after 9 months and will remove if not being used.  The business package is worth £450.00 a month.  Need to encourage everybody to use it as has a speed of 900 which is better than anywhere else.


He alse advised there is C106 money of over £6000 available for a local outside project and the hall maybe able to use it for resurfacing the carpark.


  1. Reports from Individual Councillors

Councillor Long Advised that people need to be reminded to stick to the footpaths and that detailed leaflets are available from Councillor Ford.   Councillor Ford will put a reminder notice in evoices.


He advised there was training available for the new clerk and councillors online provided by DALC.


He queried whether a letter had been sent to David Little.  The clerk reported a letter had been emailed to him that afternoon thanking him for his hard work, allowing the Commemorative tree to be planted in his garden and asking whether we could adorn it will a plaque.  He was also asked whether he would continue to maintain the



Councillor Tomkinson said the defibrillator needs to have the children’s pad checked.  Councillor Key mentioned that it also needed a new sign.


  1. Parish Council Priorities including Clerk and Correspondence


Repair of Culvert Near Village Hall – an enquiry was sent to Devon Highways on 30th May with an enquiry number

ENQ2215813 saying an assessment will be completed by 22/6/22.


Speed through the village – it was agreed a VAS was beyond our means and also would need people to run it.

Official signs could not be erected but Councillor Horner and Councillor Long are looking into informal signs.


Planters in Lay By – Councillor Barnes will donate two concrete troughs. The handyman would put these in position raised on sleepers or blocks to a height of 24 inches.


Lay By Fencing Repairs – No progress has been made.  Need to ascertain whose responsibility and a contact name.


  1. Open Session for Public Participation

No matters were raised


  1. Finance


The payments below were ratified.


Payment Date Payee Details of Payment Amount
31.05.22 HMRC PAYE 115.80
31.05.22 Sarah-Jane Martin Clerks Wages 243.98
31.05.22 Diane Frost Clerks Wages 219.24


Sarah-Jane Martin Expenses


19.05.22 Community First Insurance


Insurance 179.54



  • Re Planning Ref 20/1225/FUL, Land Opposite Yonder Marsh Farm Marsh Honiton EX14 9AH – £2,182.21. We are still awaiting to hear about the CIL due – EDDC were contacted in October and November.  EDDC still have not received the funds so the earliest YPC will receive them is October.


  • Change of Signatories forms on Unity Trust Bank Account – signed by Councillor Horner and Councillor Ford as original signatories. Signed by Councillor Vining as new signatory.  Councillor Horner took the form for Councillor Thomson to sign as the other new signatory.  These will then need to be emailed to Unity Trust Bank.




Audit docs to sign off

Annual Internal Audit Report 2021/22 was signed off by auditor on 24th April 2022 showing accounts all correct.

Certificate of Exemption, Minute reference COE-YPC.2022 Signed by Councillor Horner and Clerk

Annual Governance Statement Signed by Councillor Horner and Clerk

Accounting Statements, Minute Ref Acc.S-YPC.2022 Signed by Councillor Horner and Clerk

Will be submitted to PKF Friday 1st July and uploaded to website


  1. Longcroft Meadow Charity Trust


Councillor Thomson had been approached by Councillor Horner to become the new trustee.

She was proposed by Councillor Horner and seconded by Councillor Tomkinson.


  1. Jubilee Celebrations


This was an outstanding success and thanks were given to Councillor Myhill for all her work.   There are several mugs still available free to all children under 16 and being sold for £6 or 4 for £20.  Need to promote these to everybody in the parish.

Councillor Myhill was disappointed there was no beacon but Councillor Horner said he owned one if another occasion arose when one was required.


  1. Photos required for Matthew, Katie and Diane for website


Matthew will liaise with Katie and Diane for photos and they will be then be uploaded to website.


  1. Planning


To receive and endorse the Planning Decisions of the Council taken since last meeting under delegated authority:

The formal delegation of making and submitting comments on planning applications to the Councillors who attend the site meetings, has been granted to Cllr Tony Long in November 2019. This is due to their being insufficient time before subsequent meetings to bring back comments to the Council for a full formal vote.

Councillor Long advised that the planning for Otterview Ref no 22/0963/FUL should have be shown as Adjacent Parishes.


He also advised that an appeal had been lodged to Bristol for Stopgate Farm ref 20/F0319 & 21/0876/FUL for cement silo, water silo, site office and additional concrete area.


Councillor Key is pursuing the planning for Sunnyfield Bungalow ref 21/3279/CPE for lawful of agricultural dwelling to unrestricted dwelling as it would not have had planning without an agricultural tie.


The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 4th July 2022 at 8pm